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About Author
Binoy Shanker Prasad
Style: Local & National Politics, Biography, Poems
With origin in Darbhanga, Bihar (India), Dr Binoy Shanker Prasad currently lives in Dundas, Ontario (Canada) with his family. A former UGC teacher fellow at JNU in India and a Fulbright Scholar in the USA, he has authored scholarly works including a book, “Violence Against Minorities”, “Gandhi in the Age of Globalization” (a monograph) and a collection of poems”. He has also been the president of Hamilton based India-Canada Society (2006-08 and 2018-20)

Author's Collection

eBook Picks of the month
This book contains opinion articles written by the author – Dr. Binoy Shanker Prasad during the period of 2014-21 for PatnaDaily, an online news portal. This compilation offers scholarly insight into the complex political culture and socio-economic life of the second-largest populated province of India.