Parimal Publications
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English Books, Parimal Publications, वेद/उपनिषद/ब्राह्मण/पुराण/स्मृति
112 Upanishads (Set Of 2 Vol)
-14%English Books, Parimal Publications, वेद/उपनिषद/ब्राह्मण/पुराण/स्मृति112 Upanishads (Set Of 2 Vol)
Author: K.L. Joshi
112 Upaniṣads : (an exhaustive introduction, Sanskrit text, English translation & index of verses) carries details on all upanisads. Altogether, 112 Upanishads are described. All the verses are written in Sanskrit/Devanagari, with their translation in English.
The Upanisads are philosophical and theological mystical treatises forming the third division of the Veda; the preceding portions being the Mantras or Hymns, which are largely prayers and the Brahmanas or sacrificial rituals- the utterance, successively, of poet, priest and philosopher. There are two great departments of the Veda. The first is called Karma Kanda, the department of works, which embraces both Mantras and Brahmanas; and is followed by the vast majority f persons whose action of religion is laying up of merit by means of ceremonial prayers and sacrificial rites. The second is called Jnana-kanda, the department of knowledge. The present edition has been compiled with English translation of 112 important Upanisads many of which are being translated for the first time by a distinguished board of scholars. This edition provides an authentic translation of 112 Upanisads along with a complex index of verses and an exhaustive introduction.
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English Books, Parimal Publications, वेद/उपनिषद/ब्राह्मण/पुराण/स्मृति
Complete Bhavisya Mahapurana Set of 3
-15%English Books, Parimal Publications, वेद/उपनिषद/ब्राह्मण/पुराण/स्मृतिComplete Bhavisya Mahapurana Set of 3
Purāņas are the treasure house of knowledge. The Paurāņika literature is encyclopedic and it includes diverse topics such as cosmogony, cosmology, genealogies of gods & goddesses, kings sages, demigods, folk tales, pilgrimages, temples, medicine, astronomy, grammar, mineralogy, theology and philosophy.
The number of Purāṇas are eighteen. The Bhavisya Purāņa is the embodiment of knowledge of Present, Past and Future. It seems it has been written by sage Vyāsa at the end of all seventeen Purāņas.
Bhavisya Purāna is adorned with fourteen vidyās (knowledge) of the four Vedas, the six Angas of the Vedas, Dharmaśāstra, Mīmāṁsā, Tarka or Nyāya and other Purāņas. In addition to these fourteen vidyās, this Purāņa contains four other vidyās such asĀyurveda, Dhanurveda, Gandharvaveda and Arthaśāstra.
Bhavisya Purāņa has been divided into four parvas, 1. Brāhma Parva, 2. Madhyama Parva, 3. Pratisarga Parva, 4. Uttara Parva. Brāhma Parva deals with the stories of gods and goddesses, but on the whole the emphasis on this parva is praising and worshipping Sungod with merits of listening to his glory, performing his holy vratas (vows) and observing his fast. Madhyama Parva of the Bhavisya Purāņa is primarily a Tantra-related work. It has been divided into three parts. Third Pratisarga Parva of the Bhavișya Purāņa is a treasure of Indian history of Medieval period in which future incidents have been presented in past tense. The last parva of the Bhavisya Purāņa is Uttara Parva. This parva is the treasure of Karmakāņda and charities observing festivity.
The present edition of Bhavişya Purāņa is the first ever complete English translation of the original Sanskrit text in devanāgarī that also includes an exhaustive introduction, notes and an index of Sanskrit verses at the end of third volume of this book.
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English Books, Parimal Publications, वेद/उपनिषद/ब्राह्मण/पुराण/स्मृति
Complete Vedas Set of 9
The word ‘Veda’ means ‘knowledge’ and is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘vid’, means ‘to know’. It does not refer to one single literary work, but indicates a huge corpus of literature, which arose in the course of many centuries and has been handed down from one generation to another generation by verbal transmission. ‘Veda’ is also called ‘Shruti’ meaning what is heard, as opposed to the ‘Smriti’ composed by sages at a later stage recounting the content of the Vedic texts. This referes the purely oral-aural method which was (and is) used for it.
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English Books, Parimal Publications, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र
Kautilyas Arthasastra (Set of 2 Volumes)
-10%English Books, Parimal Publications, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्रKautilyas Arthasastra (Set of 2 Volumes)
The Arthasastra summarizes the political thoughts of Kautilya. The book contains detailed information about specific topics that are relevant for rulers who wish to run an effective government. Diplomacy and war (including military tactics) are the two points treated in most detail but the work also includes recommendations on law, prisons, taxation, irrigation, agriculture, mining, fortifications, coinage, manufacturing, trade, administrations, diplomacy, and spies.
The Arthasastra explores issues of social welfare, the collective ethics that hold a society together, advising the king that in times and in areas devastated by famine, epidemic and such acts of nature, or by war, he should initiate public projects such as creating irrigation waterways and building forts around major strategic holdings and towns and exempt taxes on those affected. The text was influential on other Hindu texts that followed, such as the sections on king, governance and legal procedures included in Manusmrti.
Likely to be the work of several authors over centuries, Kautilya, also identified as Visnugupta and Canakya, is traditionally credited as the author of the text. The Arthasastra was influential until the 12th century, when it disappeared. It was rediscovered in 1905 by R. Samasastri, who published it in 1909. The first English translation was published in 1915.
The present book contains Original Sanskrit text, verse by verse English translation and notes of R. Samasasti along with an exhaustive Introduction by Dr. Ashok Kumar Shukla.
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English Books, Parimal Publications, वेद/उपनिषद/ब्राह्मण/पुराण/स्मृति
Kurma Purana English
The Purana is a distinct branch of learning. It is treated as one of the Vidyas like the Samkhya and the Vedanta, it has its distinct theory of cosmology. The major Puranas are considered to be eighteen in numbers, known by Maha Puranas are considered to be eighteen in numbers, known by maha-Puranas. One of the important Puranas among the eighteen Maha-Purana is kurma Mahapurana, in which the narrator is Lord Visnu himself, in the form of a Kurama (tortoise).
Kurma Purana is divided into two sections, viz., Purava-Bhaga and Uttara-Bhaga. There are various stories in this Purana, full of great learning. Initially, the origin of Prajapatis, the duties of our Varna’s, and ht source of the livelihood of each of the varnas have been described. Similarly, the characteristics of Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksa have also been spelled out.
The characteristics of the great devotees, their conduct, their diet, etc. and the characteristics of the castes and stages of life have also been added in this Purana. Thereafter, the primordial creation, the seven coverings of the Anda (cosmic egg), and the origin of Hiranyagarbha have been related in this Purana.
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English Books, Parimal Publications, वेद/उपनिषद/ब्राह्मण/पुराण/स्मृति
Linga Purana English Set of 2
-10%English Books, Parimal Publications, वेद/उपनिषद/ब्राह्मण/पुराण/स्मृतिLinga Purana English Set of 2
The Puranas in the Indian Religious context are considered to be the important set of the religious literature, after the Vedic literature totally became beyond the reach of the common man. The void thus created in the Indian religious thought was filled by the epics of the Ramayai3a of Valmiki as well as the Mahabharata. But besides these, the Puranas which were composed by the sage Vyasa and other sages gained the importance of their own. Some of them were devoted to Visnu, while others were devoted to Siva, Sakti as well as the other deities. Of these, Siva Purana and the Linga Purana are mainly the Saiva Puranas. In these Puranas, lord Siva is eulogised in different ways and both of them have their own importance.
The distinctive aspect of the Linga Purana is that thousand and eight names of Siva have been repeated twice in this Purana. In Chapter-65, the thousand and eight names have been spoken out by the sage Tandin, while in chapter-98 of the same Purana, the thousand and eight names of Siva were recited by lord Visnu himself in order to get cakra from lord Siva, at the behest of the gods. Besides these, there are many other topics in this Purai3a, which will be of great interest to the readers. This Purana is divided into two parts. The first part has a hundred and eight chapters, while the second part has fifty five chapters.
This is for the first time that an English translation of Linga Purana is being published along with complete Sanskrit text. The importance of the book is enhanced with an exhaustive introduction on the subject and an index of verses is provided at the end of the second volume for the benefit of the readers.
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Hindi Books, Parimal Publications, वेद/उपनिषद/ब्राह्मण/पुराण/स्मृति, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Manusmriti (Vol.1-2)
-10%Hindi Books, Parimal Publications, वेद/उपनिषद/ब्राह्मण/पुराण/स्मृति, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Manusmriti (Vol.1-2)
The Smrtis are the compedia systematically epitomising the material contained in the Grhya and Dharmasutras. The Manusmrti stands at the top of the smrti literature, unrivalled and unsurpassed by any sister work.SKU: n/a -
Hindi Books, Parimal Publications, वेद/उपनिषद/ब्राह्मण/पुराण/स्मृति
Manusmriti ka Punarmulyankan
यह सर्वविदित और सिद्ध तथ्य है कि प्राचीन संस्कृत साहित्य के अनेक ग्रन्थों में समय-समय पर प्रक्षेप होते रहे हैं। मनुस्मृति, वाल्मीकीय रामायण, महाभारत, निरुक्त, चरक-संहिता, पुराण आदि इसके प्रमाणसिद्ध उदाहरण हैं। प्राचीन ग्रन्थों में प्रक्षेप होने के अनेक कारण रहे हैं। उनमें से एक कारण यह भी है कि उस ग्रन्थ-विशेष की परम्परा के अर्वाचीन व्यक्ति अपने स्वतन्त्र ग्रन्थ न लिखकर उस परम्परा के प्रचलित प्रसिद्ध ग्रन्थ में ही परिवर्तन-परिवर्धन, निष्कासन-प्रक्षेपण करते रहे हैं।
प्रस्तुत पुस्तक में मनु और मनुस्मृति विषयक पूर्व स्थापित उन एकांगी, समीक्षाओं, भ्रमों और भ्रान्तियों पर विचार करके उनका पुनर्मूल्यांकन प्रस्तुत किया गया है। विश्वास के साथ कहा जा सकता है कि प्रमाणाधारित पुनर्मूल्यांकन तटस्थ पाठकों को स्वीकार्य प्रतीत होंगे और पूर्वाग्रह-गृहीत पाठकों को भी इसके निर्णय पुनर्विचार के लिए बाध्य करेंगे।SKU: n/a -
English Books, Parimal Publications, वेद/उपनिषद/ब्राह्मण/पुराण/स्मृति
Matsya Purana: 2 Volumes
The Matsya Purana earns its title from the fish incarnation of Visnu, the other nine being Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Bhargava Parasurama, Rama, Krsna, Buddha and Kalki. The Matsya Purana is not all based totally on the life story of Matsya, but it deals with various other subjects, though in some of the chapters Matsya himself is the speaker.
Matsya Purana contains 291 chapters in total. First among all it describes the dialogues between Manu and the Lord, known as Manusamvada and deals with the following subjects in successive order, viz- the history of Brahmanda, the Sariraka Samkhya as explained by Brahma, the origin of the Devas and Asuras, as well as Maruts, the observance of Madanadvadasi vrata, the ways of the worship of the Lokapalas, the description of the Manvantaras, the history of king Vena, the birth of the Sun and Vaivasvata and the meeting with Budha.
Then it deals with the families of the manes, the times of performing Sraddha, Pitrtirtha Pravasa, the birth of the moon, the history of Yavati, the glory of Svamikartika, the history of the Vrsni and Yadava houses. Then it describes various ordinances, glory of various tirthas and rivers, the movement of Sun and Moon and their relative positions, the churning of the ocean, worship of the Devas, the characteristics of palaces, pandals and housebuilding, the forms of the temples and pandals, the history of Puru dynasty, the narration of the coming sovereigns, the description of the sixteen gifts such as Tuladana, etc., the names of the Kalpas etc.
The present edition of Matsya Purana is a complete book in 2 volumes that includes Sanskrit text, English translation with Notes, an exhaustive Introduction and complete Index of Verses. We hope that this book will be very useful not only for the general readers who have interest in ancient Indian literatures, but also for the scholars.
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English Books, Parimal Publications, वेद/उपनिषद/ब्राह्मण/पुराण/स्मृति
-10%English Books, Parimal Publications, वेद/उपनिषद/ब्राह्मण/पुराण/स्मृतिNARASIMHA PURANA (English)
According to Yaska- An innovative thing irrespective of being its old is called Purana. Besides the eighteen Maha-Puranas, there are another set of the Purans known as upa-Puranas, which are more sectarian in nature. They are comparatively later in date having as well some historical background.
Nrsimha Purana occupies an important place among the upa-Purans and like other Puranas, this is also considered to be compiled by Vyasa. On the contrary, every Purana dwells at length on one or more particular subjects and in some, five primary topics-(1) Primary creation or cosmogony (2) Secondary creation (3) genealogy of gods and patriarchs (4) reigns of the Manus (5) history of the solar and lunar dynasties. Nrsimha Purana also depicts these five topics, viz. It contains various episode of the incarnation of Lord Visnu; especially incarnation of Lord Rama. There are sixty-five chapters, which describe all topics related with Purana. It describes the story of Rishi Markandeya’s victory over death and Yamagita. The form of devotion, definition of a true devotee and the character of devotees like Dhruva’s has been described in this Puran. Despite of it being small it is pregnant with meaning.
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English Books, Parimal Publications, वेद/उपनिषद/ब्राह्मण/पुराण/स्मृति
Siva Mahapurana English set of 3
-10%English Books, Parimal Publications, वेद/उपनिषद/ब्राह्मण/पुराण/स्मृतिSiva Mahapurana English set of 3
From The Jacket
The Puranas are considered to be the pillars of the Vedic dharma comprising of Sruti. Smrti and Puranas. The Siva-Mahapurana is a famous one amongst the eighteen Mahapuranas. Relatively bigger in size. This Purana is primarily of a religious tone, dedicated mainly to the glory, various forms, their importance and valour of lord Siva.
There had been certain deities, who after once appearing over the Indian Religious horizon, never lost their importance and continue here even to the present times, facing all the political, religions and other adversities. Lord Siva comes under this category, because his following never disappeared from the Indian scence after he attained the position of adoration and worship. Lord Siva has always remained important among all the gods starting from the oldest scriptures- Vedas, Brahmana literatures and Upanisads to the late poets and writers of Kasmira, he has been always the mainframe of these literatures. Even various philosophies emerged in the past among the followers of lord Siva.
Siva-Mahapurana, besides the Mahatmya, is comprised of seven Samhitas:-
(i) Vidyesvara Samhita
(ii) Rudra Samhita-(a) Srsti Khanda, (b) Sati Khanda, (c) Parvati Khanda, (d) Kumara Khanda, (e) Yuddha Khanda
(iii) Satarudra Samhita
(iv) Koti Rudra Samhita
(v) Uma Samhita
(vi) Kailasa Samhita
(vii) Vayaviya Samhita- (a) First Part, (b) Second PartWhile bringing out the English version of the Siva Purana, a new element of correlating the main events, with the available archaeological evidence in the entire length and breadth of the country relating to the gods and the goddesses referred to in this Purana, have been illustrated on the basis of which it makes this work of a unique character.
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