K. M. Munshi Books
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Hindi Books, Rajkamal Prakashan, अध्यात्म की अन्य पुस्तकें, धार्मिक पात्र एवं उपन्यास
Bhagawan Parshuram
-10%Hindi Books, Rajkamal Prakashan, अध्यात्म की अन्य पुस्तकें, धार्मिक पात्र एवं उपन्यासBhagawan Parshuram
आर्य-संस्कृति का उषःकाल ही था, जब भृगुवंशी महर्षि जमदग्नि-पत्नी रेणुका के गर्भ से परशुराम का जन्म हुआ। यह वह समय था जब सरस्वती और हषद्वती नदियों के बीच फैले आर्यावर्त में यदु और पुरु, भरत और तृत्सु, तर्वसु और अनु, द्रह्यू और जन्हू तथा भृगु जैसी आर्य जातियाँ निवसित थीं और जहाँ वसिष्ठ, विश्वामित्र, जमदग्नि, अंगिरा, गौतम और कण्व आदि महापुरुषों के आश्रमों से गुंजरित दिव्य ऋचाएँ आर्यधर्म का संस्कार-संस्थापन कर रही थीं। लेकिन दूसरी ओर सम्पूर्ण आर्यावर्त, नर्मदा से मथुरा तक शासन कर रहे हैहयराज सहस्रार्जुन के लोमहर्षक अत्याचारों से त्रस्त था। ऐसे में युवावस्था में प्रवेश कर रहे परशुराम ने आर्य-संस्कृति को ध्वस्त करने वाले हैहयराज की प्रचंडता को चुनौती दी और अपनी आर्यनिष्ठा, तेजस्विता, संगठन-क्षमता, साहस और अपरिमित शौर्य के बदल पर विजयी हुए। संक्षेप में कहें तो यह उपन्यास एक युगपुरुष की ऐसी शौर्यगाथा है जो किसी भी युग में अन्याय और दमन के सक्रिय प्रतिरोध की प्रेरणा देती रहेगी।
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Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, English Books, इतिहास, धार्मिक पात्र एवं उपन्यास
Foundations of Indian Culture
Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, English Books, इतिहास, धार्मिक पात्र एवं उपन्यासFoundations of Indian Culture
K.M. Munshi is one of Gujarat’s most well-known literary writers. His historical novels have contributed profoundly to the sense of past that Gujarat lives with. A multi-faceted personality, he was a prominent lawyer, freedom fighter and politician. He was also the founder of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
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Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, English Books, इतिहास, ऐतिहासिक नगर, सभ्यता और संस्कृति, धार्मिक पात्र एवं उपन्यास
Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, English Books, इतिहास, ऐतिहासिक नगर, सभ्यता और संस्कृति, धार्मिक पात्र एवं उपन्यासSOMANATHA: THE SRINE ETERNAL
History, Archaeology, Prayers, Beliefs, Myths, Legends All Form Part Of This Book On The Famous Temple Of Somnatha. The Old Temple Was In Ruins And A New Construction Was Announced By Sardar Valabhbhai Patel On November 13, 1947. This Book Contains The Details Of The New Construction As Well As The History Of The Old One.
It Was Due To Munshiji’s Indefatigable Efforts That This Shrine Rose Up Again Like The Phoenix. Hence This Book Has Been Written Straight From The Heart With All Emotions And Passion. Thousands Of People Visit The Somnatha Temple In Saurashtra. The Temple Dedicated To Lord Shiva Is At Prabhasa On The Southern Coast Of Saurashtra. Kulapati Has Traced Not Only The History Of This Place But Also Of The Country Since Pre Historic Times. Lord Somnatha Was Worshipped Even Five Thousand Years Ago In The Indus Valley As Pashupati. Maps, Sketches And Photographs Speak Volumes Of The Shrine At Somnatha While Kulapati Has Put In Words The Story Of The Lord. Not Only Has The Author Personally Visited And Studied The Temple And The Area Thoroughly, He Has Researched And Collected Material For This Book From Hindu And Muslim Chroniclers And Added Them To The Book.SKU: n/a -
Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Hindi Books, Suggested Books, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण
आधे रास्ते – Aadhe Raaste Autobiography (Set of 3 Volumes)
Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Hindi Books, Suggested Books, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरणआधे रास्ते – Aadhe Raaste Autobiography (Set of 3 Volumes)
Munshji’s biography in Hindi has been written in three parts.This book is the Hindi edition of the Second book of Munshi : His Art and Work Series. The Hindi editions have been published by the Bhavan’s Delhi Kendra.
Kulapati Munshi was a very versatile person. He was the foremost advocate of his times, an educationist and a literary genius. By establishing the Bhavan he gave a new dimension to culture and education. This extraordinary man’s thinking was a guiding light to the country’s education, literature and culture.SKU: n/a