Maj. Gen. G D Bakshi Books
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English Books, Garuda Prakashan, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
A History of Hinduism: An Inside-the-Tradition View
-10%English Books, Garuda Prakashan, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)A History of Hinduism: An Inside-the-Tradition View
Hinduism is the oldest religion on this planet with over a billion adherents. It is not based on the dogma of one book, one prophet and one Pope. It has no organised church, no heresy and heretics. It has an open architecture. In this wide ranging history, the author traces its origins in the Indus-Sarasvati civilisation that has been carbon dated to almost 9,500 years before present. It has amazing antiquity and cultural continuity. That is why it is called Sanatana Dharma or the eternal faith by its adherents. The leitmotifs of Hinduism are Meditation and Yoga. It is based on “Experiential Spirituality”—Hindus use Yoga and meditation to experience the truth of the Vedas in their own beings as lived realisations—as Anubhav, Anubhuti and Darshan. The author traces the roots of this great religion to the Vedas which were received by the ancient Rishis in the deep silence of the forests, as were the Upanishads and Aranyakas. He describes the lofty philosophy of the Vedanta which sees the unity of Brahman behind the bewildering multiplicity of beings and things in the cosmos. Unlike the Abrahamic faiths which arose in the deserts, Hinduism is a religion of the forests. The author traces its evolution through the Vedic, Epic and Puranic periods and its emergence from the forests to establish opulent temples in the urban cities. He describes the Hindu holocaust inflicted by foreign invaders over four centuries which killed almost a hundred million Hindus. He tells us of the Indian Military Revival which finally destroyed Mughal tyranny. He describes how India was colonised and enslaved by the British; how they used the fault lines of caste to divide and rule. He describes how a number of revivalist saints have periodically rejuvenated the faith. He describes the post-Independence political consolidation of the Hindu majority and how it was nearly undone recently using the caste card again. He speculates about the future of this faith and calls for a back-to-the- roots movement to take us back to the Vedas and the pristine silence of the forests.
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Garuda Prakashan, On Sale, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण
Kalki Tu Kahan Hai: Life story of Swami Pranavanand Saraswati
-25%Garuda Prakashan, On Sale, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरणKalki Tu Kahan Hai: Life story of Swami Pranavanand Saraswati
कल्कि तू कहाँ है: स्वामी प्रणवानंद की जीवन गाथा ‘मेजर जनरल जीडी बख्शी द्वारा लिखित पुस्तक स्वामी प्रणवानंद के जीवन के बारे में बात करती है। उन्होंने अपने जीवन के 12 साल जंगल में बिताए और कैसे उनके श्रम का भुगतान हुआ। एक पुस्तक जो जीवन के प्रति आपके विचारों को बदल देगी क्योंकि आप स्वामी प्रणवानंद के जीवन से बहुत कुछ सीखेंगे।
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Garuda Prakashan, On Sale, इतिहास, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण
Sarasvati Sabhyata: Pracheen Bharatiya Itihaas Mein Ek Mahatvapoorna Parivartan
-25%Garuda Prakashan, On Sale, इतिहास, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरणSarasvati Sabhyata: Pracheen Bharatiya Itihaas Mein Ek Mahatvapoorna Parivartan
हड़प्पा निवासी कौन थे? वे आज के भारतीय से किस तरह संबंधित थे? क्या कभी कोई आर्य आक्रमण हुआ भी? ‘सरस्वती सभ्यता: प्राचीन भारतीय इतिहास में एक महत्त्वपूर्ण परिवर्तन’ नामक यह पुस्तक सैटेलाइट चित्रों, भौगोलिक विज्ञान, पुरातत्व सर्वेक्षण, पुरालेखों, डीएनए शोधों और भाषा विज्ञान के क्षेत्र में हुए नए शोधों और स्पष्टीकरणों को सामने लाती है। प्राचीन भारतीय इतिहास से जुड़े ये शोध अंग्रेजों के समय में उपलब्ध नहीं थे। जिसके कारण 19वी शताब्दी में सरस्वती नदी घाटी के बारे में कई तथ्य सामने नहीं आ पाए। आज से लगभग पांच से छह हजार साल पहले, महान सरस्वती नदी अपने पूर्ण प्रवाह में वेगवान रूप से विद्यमान थी। यह भारतीय सभ्यता का केंद्र बिंदु थी। जिस सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता की हमेशा बात की जाती है, वह लगभग 60 से 80 प्रतिशत सरस्वती नदी के तटों पर बसी थी, न की सिंधु नदी घाटी के तटों पर। भारतीय इतिहास के अध्ययन में सरस्वती नदी का सूख जाना बहुत बड़ा घटनाक्रम रहा है जिसके कारण प्राचीन भारतीयों को पलायन करना पड़ा। नए साक्ष्यों की मौजूदगी के साथ अब वह समय आ गया है, जब भारतीय इतिहास के महत्वपूर्ण पहलूओं को ठीक से समझा जा सके। यह पुस्तक प्रामाणिक भारतीय इतिहास के अध्ययन के लिए नए द्वार खोलती है।
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Garuda Prakashan, On Sale, अध्यात्म की अन्य पुस्तकें
The Quantum Book Of Soma : Reinterpreting the Wisdom of the Vedas
-30%Garuda Prakashan, On Sale, अध्यात्म की अन्य पुस्तकेंThe Quantum Book Of Soma : Reinterpreting the Wisdom of the Vedas
The entire 9th Mandala of the Rig Veda is devoted to this magical Soma. Soma, however, is like the Beeja mantras (Aum, Hum, Sreem etc) of the Vedas. It was a meta-concept of extraordinary elegance and beauty. It encompassed a whole spectrum or range of meanings in that one word. In this book, the author examines in detail the Botanical aspect of Soma as a psychotropic plant; studies the biological aspect of Soma as an endogenous elixir—which he personally experienced in meditation; examines the Soma of Senses—of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell—and the Soma of Action as defined in the Geeta. The highlight of this book is the Quantum Mechanical approach to understanding the Atman and the act of seeing that generates this cosmos. This book analyses the Vedic Mahavakyas in the light of latest discoveries in Quantum Physics and neuro-biology; and the correspondences are simply amazing and revelatory.
“General Bakshi explores Soma extensively in neurobiology and mind body medicine and depth psychology, and ultimately its connection to the subtle body and chakras & Agni/Kundalini, weaving modern science with yogic meditation. All these many types of Somas are part of a greater integral and universal view of the infinite and eternal reality, the Atman that is Brahman. His explanation of Soma in terms of Vedantic Mahavakyas like Tat Tvam Asi is most notable.”
Dr. David Frawley, Author, Vedic Acharya
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Garuda Prakashan, On Sale, इतिहास, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण
The Sarasvati Civilisation
Who were the Harappans? How are they related to present-day Indians? Was there never an “Aryan Invasion”? The Sarasvati Civilization: A New Paradigm in Ancient Indian History brings together evidence from satellite imagery, geology, hydrodynamics, archaeology, epigraphy, textual hermeneutics, and DNA research to place together ancient Indian history in the light of new discoveries and facts which were simply not available to colonial historians of the 19th century and have been overlooked thereafter. At the heart of the ancient Indian Civilization was the mighty Sarasvati river which was in full flow 5000-6000 years ago. 60–80 % of the so-called Indus Valley Civilisation sites which have been discovered are not on the banks of the Indus but on the course of the Sarasvati. The drying-out of the river is the most significant factor in the history and migrations of the ancient Indians. With new evidence, the time has come for a significant paradigm shift in Indology. This book breaks new ground to lay the foundation for an authentic Indian history.
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