Manas Publications
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English Books, MANAS PUBLICATIONS, इतिहास
20 Great Persons of the World
Since the dawn of civilization, there have been numerous great persons in the world in every walk of life¬¬¬ religious, social, political, warriors, etc. etc. These great personalities gave their best to shape the destiny of the world in a distinctive way. Thus for a rational understanding of history, it becomes essential to know at length the contributions of these great personalities who were at the helm at various points of time because of the path chosen by each of them defines a study evolution of the qualitative aspect of one s life which proves beneficial to the society. Though the list of great personalities is voluminous, the author has tried to encapsulize the lives and thoughts of twenty personalities well-known in the world in their own sphere. The book includes the founders of major religions of the world which are Christian, Islam, Hindu, Baudha, Jain and Sikh. In India, two personalities Swami Vivekananda and Swami Dayananda also gave the lead to their ideas on crores of followers. They have been narrated in the book. Next came the persons who were the citadel of courage and turned the tides in their favour by their mental and physical fortitude. The author has included Fidel Castro, Subhash Chandra Bose, Alexander the Great and Adolf Hitler. The persons who did wonders for suppressed humanity have also been included. They are Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Junior, Vladimir Lenin and Mao Tse-tung. Renowned philosophers, who guided humanity with their ideas and ideals are also included. They are Rousseau, Plato and Aristotle. The author has tried to do justice to each of them so that readers know all about them and their contributions to the society at one place.
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English Books, MANAS PUBLICATIONS, इतिहास
21st Century South Asia
21st Century South Asia examines the issues related to security and its perceived threats to the South Asian region in the 21st century. Each chapter of this book deals with an array of security intimidation springing from diverse avenues in the region. These chapters minutely glance into the fundamental factors, causes, outcomes, potential actors and implications regarding security in the 21st century South Asia. Quite significantly, all the contributors collectively look forward to a secured South Asia and therefore suggest essential mechanisms and steps to be employed to attain such a safe haven. The objectives of the book are: a diagnostic study on security perspectives, analysis of the policy situation on security, and searching the broad roadmap on security. The book has been classified into two sections (i) traditional security and (ii) non-traditional security. It contains chapters written by eminent academicians, policy-makers, bureaucrats, senior diplomats, parliamentarians, national security experts, human rights activists, scholars and students. All the contributors have critically evaluated the origin of the various security threats that have ruptured the region and have provided some useful insight to the situation as well as offered solutions to overcome the security dilemma in the South Asian region.
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English Books, MANAS PUBLICATIONS, इतिहास
2G Bomb: RTIS Shook North Block
The C&AG report tells that the 2G spectrum scam cost the country approximately Rs 1,76,645 crores. The amount involved in 2G spectrum scam is so huge that one cannot imagine that this scam did materialize without the involvement of the top political masters. How come nobody in the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Finance could sniff the ‘dirty spectrum air’?
Briefly, it is pointed out that the 2G Spectrum scam infact started due to unlawful changes in Terms of References (ToR) for vacation and reallocation of spectrum from Defence and related organisations. Earlier, only the defence was enjoying the exclusive rights to use the 2G spectrum technology. The draft ToR for GoM included the pricing of spectrum. But after the discussion (as per documents supplied under RTI) between Sh Dayanidhi Maran and Prime Minister, the original ToR were modified, which were finally approved. These final ToR (proposed by Telecom Minister) had no sign of pricing of spectrum. This was the beginning of 2G Scam. Later on, no auction of spectrum licences was done and the licences were alloted at the prices of 2001 in 2008, which shocked the country due to this one of the biggest scam so far. This book is an outcome of the PMO’s and other responses from ministries to various applications filed under the Right to Information (RTI) Act on the 2G spectrum. Though the response is not very warm, yet the Prime Minister’s Office sent the controversial ‘Office Memorandum’ of March 25, 2011 prepared by the Ministry of Finance, which they had sent to the PMO, alongwith many other important documents. This note, which shook the North and South Blocks, is quite an eye-opener. The book, based on the documents received in response to RTIs filed by Vivek Garg, is an attempt to bring the 2G spectrum scam in public domain. He is an advocate and veteran in RTI activism who has been fighting for long to expose corruption at high places. Now, the 2G spectrum scam, the Commonwealth Games 2010 scam, crude oil scam, the rotten grain scam, bunch of various scams in UP and politics of riots in various states, figure…
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English Books, MANAS PUBLICATIONS, इतिहास
50 Years of India’s Independence
To commemorate the golden jubilee celebration of our freedom, eminent Indians have taken pains to contribute articles to this book. Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer, Dr. M.S. Gill, Shri S.R. Bommai, Shri C.V. Ranganathan, Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar, Shri Inder Malhotra, Air Chief Marshal S.K. Sareen, Admiral Tahiliani, Lt. Gen. M.L. Chibber, Lt. Gen. V.K. Nayar, Shri K.F. Rustamji, Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer, Capt. M.S. Kohli, Shri Vijay Karan, Shri A.K. Tandon, Shri M.B. Kaushal, Sh. P.S. Krishnan, Sh. K.Srinivasan, Smt. Mohini Giri, Dr. Subhash Kashyap & many others have contributed the informative articles in their respective fields. The articles on the three defence forces and para-military forces explain in detail the mufti-faceted developments that took place in these areas after Independence. To enhance the utility of the volume further, important speeches of great leaders like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Smt. Indira Gandhi and Shri Rajiv Gandhi have been included.
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English Books, MANAS PUBLICATIONS, इतिहास
70 Years of India’s Independence
“Seventy years ago, India was born as a free democratic country which had many challenges ahead. During the past 70 years, India overcame different hurdles and Indians earned global recognition in various fields particularly during the last three years. We take pride in what India have achieved. Countrywide celebration has been planned by the Narendra Modi government to mark 70 years of India’s Independence, between August 15 and 22, 2017 along with the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Quit India movement, to ‘rekindle the spirit of patriotism’ among citizens. India have gone through a lot of changes over the years, from political arena to the social life. No doubt, life in several rural parts of the country are yet to get basic facilities like water and electricity, but it is also a fact that many cities are now being compared with New York or Bangkok. Be it physics, maths, medicine, chemistry, literature, music, films, sports or space, India have achieved new heights. 70 Years of India’s Independence highlights the views of top personalities in civil/police/defence set-up of the country’s governance who have tackled various kinds of problems for the people and the country, and offered their opinion to meet the challenges. There has been a major shift in Indian politics and governance since 2014. The same has also been highlighted in this book and various policies of the current government have been included for the upliftment of the masses. This informative book is very useful for the administrators, politicians, academics and general readers alike. “
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English Books, MANAS PUBLICATIONS, इतिहास
A General Speaks
A General Speaks is the second book by General Padmanabhan, which talks on different subjects dealing with warfare, terrorism, intelligence, political control of the services, media, the psyche of Pakistan and Indian soldiers and the prospects for peace in South Asia.
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English Books, MANAS PUBLICATIONS, इतिहास
A History of Kashmir
Parvz Dewan can send you to sleep about Kashmr. If anyone has the Ultimate Dossier on this region, it is he, after years of running about India’s northernmost state, administering and adventuring his way around its valleys, peaks and rivers. Along the way he discovered that Kashmr’s ancient tradition of fine miniature painting had continued unbroken till the early twentieth century. He also trekked with the chief of a tribe of shepherds to discover an ancient cave temple. Above all, Parvez immersed himself in the Valley’s legendary Kashmriyat (Kashmriness). In this first-of-its-kind three-volume set on Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh, one on each region, Parvez Dewan has tried to bring alive the past of the fabled land that has been the arena of his adult life: an up-to-date yet timeless history of the magical trinity of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh that crowns the sub-continent of India.
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Hindi Books, MANAS PUBLICATIONS, इतिहास
A Nation on Fire: Hinduism Under Siege
This book is on the subject that few know or have the courage to know. Hinduism, the life and breath of a ten million old civilization is under threat not only from external threat, but also from insidious anti-nationalism and subversive elements within.
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English Books, MANAS PUBLICATIONS, इतिहास
A Spy’s Journey: A CIA MEMOIR
BOOK SUMMARY OF A SPY’S JOURNEY: A CIA MEMOIR In March 1967, Floyd Paseman joined the Central Intelligence Agency following successful service as an army officer in Germany. Stationed i the Far East, where he became fluent in Chinese language and culture, and then in Germany, at what was largely considered the agency’s toughest Cold War field posting, he quicly rose from field spy to division chief and became a fixture in the top ranks of the Operations Directorate of the CIA. About Author : Floyed L. Paseman retired from the Central Intelligence Agency in January 2001 after a 35 years career in operations.
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English Books, MANAS PUBLICATIONS, इतिहास
American African Gandhis
Four decades ago, America was at war with its own self, a nation torn asunder by its inability to reconcile itself with its intrinsic self. A people that murdered their own president, shot its own Nobel laureate, and more. This book covers this topic.
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English Books, MANAS PUBLICATIONS, इतिहास
Kashmir Is Free
About the Book: Kashmir is Free Just imagine the unimaginable. India walks out of Kashmir and makes Kashmir FREE. Huh?! How is that possible? Why should that happen? And how could that seemingly impossible situation be brought about? And wait … what happens to the regions of Jammu and Ladakh… and how will they react? And what happens to the Kashmir Valley once it achieves its long-cherished goal of independence? KASHMIR IS FREE is that fictional, what-if peep into a not-too-distant future when Kashmir attains freedom from India. Spread over 48 chapters, this astoundingly realistic and edge-of-the-seat politico-bureaucratic thriller will grip you by the throat and
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Hindi Books, MANAS PUBLICATIONS, इतिहास
Kashmiri Khilafat and Hindu Narsahar
पुस्तक ‘कश्मीरी खिलाफत और हिन्दू नरसंहार’, जम्मू-कश्मीर राज्य में 1339 से 1819, इस्लामिक शासन काल में हुए वृहद स्तर पर हिन्दू नरसंहार को रेखांकित करते हुए उसकी समीक्षा करती है। क्यूं, कैसे और कब-कब इस प्रक्रिया को मध्ययुग में 5 सदियों तक बार-बार दोहराया गया। नरसंहार के सभी आयामों पर प्रकाश डालने का प्रयास किया गया। किस प्रकार इस्लामिक साम्राज्यवाद का दिल्ली सल्तनत काल का स्वरूप कश्मीरी सल्तनत काल से समानता रखता था। कैसे राजनीतिक इस्लाम का बर्बर एवं क्रूर रूप कश्मीरी हिन्दुओं को पीढ़ी-दर-पीढ़ी भयाकुल कर रहा था। कैसे हिन्दू नरसंहार धर्मान्तरण, हत्या, बलात्कार, दासत्व, जजिया कर, धर्मस्थल-विखण्डन, धर्मग्रंथ अग्निसात करने जैसे अनेक क्रियाओं द्वारा सम्पन्न हो रहा था। पुस्तक मध्ययुगीन हिन्दू नरसंहार और आधुनिक स्वतन्त्रा भारत में राजनैतिक इस्लाम के अलगाववादी चरित्रा से जनित हिन्दू नरसंहार का नवस्वरूप वर्णित करने का प्रयास करती है।पुस्तक कश्मीर के प्राचीन इतिहास के संक्षिप्त विवरण, इस्लाम के आगमन के कारण से लेकर अभी चल रही हिंसक इस्लामिक अलगाववादी प्रक्रिया को समझाने का प्रयास करती है। पुस्तक कश्मीर पर शीतयुद्ध के दौरान पश्चिमी देशों की नकारात्मक नीति पर प्रकाश डालती है। हिन्दू नरसंहार के विभिन्न रूपों का वर्णन करने के साथ-साथ कश्मीर में ‘दारुल-इस्लाम’ की स्थापना के कुचक्र की प्रक्रिया को भी समझाने का प्रयास करती है। धारा-370 का प्रयोग किस प्रकार हिन्दू नरसंहार एवं इस्लामिक अलगाववाद के लिए किया गया?
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English Books, MANAS PUBLICATIONS, इतिहास
Unmasking Kashmir: A Bureaucrat Reveals (HB)
“The way Jammu and Kashmir has been suffering for over past six decades makes one think if there is really a curse on this ‘Paradise on Earth’. J&K’s economy is centred on horticulture, handicrafts, and tourism. But corruption and misrule have spoilt the atmosphere so much that the people feel perpetually alienated from their government. This book presents a ring-side view of the reality of Kashmiri politicians, bureaucrats and the public as never seen before. Sonali Kumar, a starry-eyed young woman, joined the IAS in 1979 to make a difference to India. She chose to come to the State of Jammu and Kashmir where she spent 37 years trying to understand its people, solve their problems and focus on development. What she found there was disturbing – an apartheid regime where the humanity is divided between insiders and outsiders, where outsiders nearly become second class citizens…. She tried to make the administrative system ‘people-friendly’ but soon became a victim herself. Little did she know that her quest for development in Kashmir will become a fight against corruption, nepotism, gender bias, communalism and anti-nationalism – all mixed together. She doesn’t realise that the vested interests she had hurt, will soon hit her back, and may even cost her career, house, perks and even her happiness. Will she succeed? Or will she fail? The book will prove useful both in understanding what the bureaucrats, especially in the IAS, do in J&K and in helping frame some national policies for dealing with the administrative set-up as well as the political problems in the State.”
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English Books, MANAS PUBLICATIONS, इतिहास
Winning Strategies Serving With A Smile
We did a scanning of catalogues of all publishing houses, libraries and books stores and discovered that there is NOT a single, soft-skill training books catering specifically to the needs of students, aspiring to get into the aviation and hospitality industries. This book fils that vital gap.
When Air Hostes Academy (AHA) launched its first training institute at Delhi’s Amar Colony, there was not a single institute of its kind offering customised training for the aviation and hospitality sectors. The programme became popular since there was a great demand for it because of its usefulness in the industry.SKU: n/a