Meera Books
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Rajasthani Granthagar, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण
Meera Bai : Pramanik Jivani evam Mool Padawali
मीरा बाई : प्रामाणिक जीवनी एवं मूल पदावली : भक्तिमती मीरांबाई के प्रकाशित पदों में से कितने ही पदों की प्रामाणिकता को लेकर उहापोह बनी हुई थी। श्रीसिंहल ने भाषा और स्रोत की प्रामाणिकता के आधार पर मीरांबाई द्वारा रचित मूल पदों का संकलन और सम्पादन करके प्रथम बार सन् 2008 में ‘मेरे तो गिरधर गोपाल’ के नाम से सटीक छपवाया, जिसमें एक भी पद मौखिक परम्परा का नहीं है; सभी पद लिखित स्रोतों पर आधारित है। प्राचीनतम दो पद विक्रम संवत् 1631 के हैं। गुरुग्रंथ-साहब से विक्रम संवत् 1661 का पद लिया गया है। विक्रम संवत् 1642, 1695, 1701, 1713, 1727 आदि में लिखित ग्रंथों से 128 पद संकलित किए गए है। इस प्रकार, इस संकलन में मीराबाई द्वारा रचित 312 पदों के मूल रूप, संभावित रूप और वर्तमान में प्रचलित पाठ तथा अनेक पदों के उपलब्ध पाठांतर देकर उनकी टीका भी की गई है। टीका में व्याख्या और टिप्पणी भाग अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है, जिसमें अनेक सांशयिक ज्ञानों, वाक्यों, पंक्तियों का सप्रमाण, सविस्तार विवेचन है। ग्रंथ में मीराबाई की जीवनी से संबंधित ऐतिहासिक तथ्यों एवं साहित्यिक संदर्भों का विश्लेषण कर तर्कपूर्ण आंकलन प्रस्तुत किया गया है। जीवनी भाग में कई नए प्रामाणिक व इतिहासपुष्ट तथ्यों का उद्घाटन है। ‘मेरे तो गिरधर गोपाल’ का विद्वत समाज ने दिल खोलकर स्वागत किया। परिमाणतः पुस्तक 3-4 महिने में ही खत्म हो गई। सभी का सुझाव था कि पुस्तक पद्यात्मक न होकर शोधग्रंथ है। अतः इसका नाम शोधग्रंथ परक होना चाहिए। इसीलिए अब यह ग्रंथ ‘मीरांबाई: प्रामाणिक जीवनी एवम् मूल पदावली’ के नाम से प्रकाशित हो रहा है। मुझे विश्वास है कि श्रीसिंहल द्वारा अत्यंत परिश्रमपूर्वक निर्मित प्रस्तुत शोधपरक ग्रंथ साक्षात् भक्तिस्वरूपा मीराबाई की श्रीकृष्णार्पित प्रामाणिक जीवनी और उनके मूल पदों से संबंधित मतांतरों का निराकरण कर सकेगा।
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Vani Prakashan, अन्य कथा साहित्य, धार्मिक पात्र एवं उपन्यास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Meera Vs Meera
Vani Prakashan, अन्य कथा साहित्य, धार्मिक पात्र एवं उपन्यास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Meera Vs Meera
Meera Vs Meera
Meera Vs Meera is a translation of a well-received book Pachrang Chola Paher Sakhi ri in Hindi published by Vani Prakashan, New Delhi in 2015. For centuries, the masses regarded Meera’s poetry as a medium of expression of their feelings and emotions. Meera’s poetry, though interpreted in multiple
ways has dwarfed, weakened and gulfed her persona. The religious discourses and narratives festered with her religious aspect, whereas European historians during the colonial period in India focussed on elements of love, romance and mystery in Meera’s life.
The Marxist critics and neo-feminist activists highlighted Meera’s narratives related to her courage and self-determination, which she exhibited during her times. In this process the human aspects of Meera were completely side-lined which is far more evident from her poetry.
Meera vs Meera is the first book I picked up in the freezing early weeks of this year to keep myself mentally warm and agile. I walked through the twilight struck alleys of history and explored Meera – the famous bhakti poet, folk saint, feminist poet, and empowered feudal woman. The list of adages attributed to her are endless.
Meera Vs Meera is a delightful translation of a critically acclaimed book Pachrang Chola Pahar Sakhi Ri by Prof. Madhav Hada. The book tries to explore and mirror with greater accuracy while adding a more human side to the myriad images of Meera that exist not only in the public memory of the people of Rajasthan specifically and India at large but also the ones that are reflected in historical accounts, folk narratives and even the popular forms of media.
Pradeep Trikha has taken up the daunting challenge of translating the already well-written and thoroughly researched book into English to enable the kaleidoscopic ensemble of Meera reach the English readership, thus enlarging its purview to almost a global level. As rightly said by the literary and cultural theorist George Steiner, “Without translation, we would be living in provinces bordering on silence.”
A reading of the first few pages itself, gives the reader a glimpse of the gravity of translation and the insurmountable obstacles that Prof. Trikha must have faced. The translation flows uninhibited which creates a fine deception of words flowing effortlessly out of the translator’s pen. Yet, to a keen and watchful reader, the hindrances are obvious. To render the vernacular and folk flavour in another language as culturally different as it could be is a road with endless impasses.
The book tries to recreate the ever-elusive human side of the historical character of Meera that has been canonised, romanticised, popularised over the centuries depending upon the type of lens that the creator used. The book puts forth a whole new aspect of Meera – the person through a well-researched and balanced use of historical sources, regional evidence, religious discourses, folk narratives and Meera’s poetry. The translation carefully presents the nuances of the persona of Meera through eloquent descriptions with an intelligent blend of the use of appropriate vernacular vocabulary. Prof. Trikha has been successful in maintaining the cultural ethos of the times by choosing the right regional words presented in italics with their translation in parenthesis that are able to put across the meaning skilfully. The choice of these words also reflects the vital linguistic decisions that he must have taken to preserve the original flavour of the book without letting his personality being reflected in the book. Being a writer, critic, and poet himself, it must have been a tightrope walk not to let his voice take over.
The immense literary and critical value of the translation cannot be denied, given the fact that Meera’s human side had always been overlooked in an attempt to portray her on the antipodes of a scale ranging from being saintly devoted to a lovelorn woman. The translation will add a whole new human facet to the existing prismatic images of Meera, a perspective that had been conspicuously missing in the existing accounts.
Meera is feudal, a rebel, a devotee, a poet and many more. She led human and eventful life. She never felt alienated or free from womanly passions and was creation of the society she lived in. Meera believed ‘Soney Kaat na lagey’. (Gold never rusts…). In Meera Vs Meera an attempt is to conserve the ‘real self’ of Meera, left over by the multiple interpretations over and through the centuries.The Marxist critics and neo-feminist activists highlighted Meera’s narratives related to her courage and self-determination, which she exhibited during her times. In this process the human aspects of Meera were completely side-lined which is far more evident from her poetry. Meera is feudal, a rebel, a devotee, a poet and many more. She led human and eventful life. She never felt alienated or free from womanly passions and was creation of the society she lived in. Meera believed ‘Soney Kaat na lagey’. (Gold never rusts…). In Meera Vs Meera an attempt is to conserve the ‘real self’ of Meera, left over by the multiple interpretations over and through the centuriesSKU: n/a -
Rajpal and Sons, ऐतिहासिक उपन्यास, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण
यह उपन्यास मीरा के जीवन के विविध रूपों और आयामों को अत्यन्त रोचकता से चित्रित करता है। कृष्णदीवानी मीरा पर आधारित यह उपन्यास प्रचलित भ्रान्तियों का निवारण करने के साथ-साथ महत्त्वपूर्ण तथ्यों का विवरण प्रस्तुत करता है। उपन्यास में जो कुछ लिखा गया है वह इतिहास ही है जिसमें चरित्रों एवं घटनाओं को यथासम्भव सही परिप्रेक्ष्य में रखा गया है।
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