Rajiv Malhotra
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Harper Collins, Hindi Books, इतिहास
Bharat Vikhandan
भारत विखण्डन एक पुस्तक है जो भारत और इसकी विविध संस्कृति के भीतर अव्यक्त क्षमता के पक्ष में बोलती है। यह तर्क देता है कि तीन प्रमुख पश्चिमी संस्कृतियों द्वारा देश की अखंडता को पतला किया जा रहा है और इस प्रक्रिया के परिणाम पर चर्चा करता है। यह पुस्तक प्रसिद्ध द्रविड़ आंदोलन की उत्पत्ति की जांच करती है जिसने हमारे देश की विशाल संस्कृति को आकार दिया, जबकि दलित पहचान और इसकी वर्तमान स्थिति पर भी ध्यान दिया। यह भी कहा गया है कि पुस्तक मुख्य रूप से स्वतंत्र भारत के अधीनता, निगरानी और तोड़फोड़ पर केंद्रित है। भारत विखण्डन आधुनिक भारत में बदलते रुझानों को बारीकी से देख रहा है और इसके विकास और अंततः कमजोर पड़ने के कारणों पर सवाल उठा रहा है। हमारी प्राथमिकताओं और निष्ठाओं पर पुनर्विचार करने के लिए मजबूर करते हुए राष्ट्र के लिए एक वेकअप कॉल है। इसकी ऐतिहासिक और संघर्षपूर्ण सामग्री के लिए प्रशंसा की गई है, जबकि उन कठोर सच्चाइयों से इनकार करने से इनकार किया जाता है, जिन पर चर्चा करने की आवश्यकता है।
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English Books, Harper Collins, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Indra’s Net: Defending Hinduism’s Philosophical Unity
-10%English Books, Harper Collins, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Indra’s Net: Defending Hinduism’s Philosophical Unity
Introductionbook is about the ongoing battle over Hinduism’s positioning on par with the world’s major religions. It rebuts an increasingly powerful school of thought amongst the academia, which posits that Hinduism, as such, has never existed. What is popularly considered to be Hinduism today is dismissed as a potent myth concocted by Swami Vivekananda, who supposedly appropriated and repackaged Western concepts and practices as part of a nationalist project. Moreover, it is alleged that this project has produced many of the social ills found in India today.
This battle is not merely a philosophical debate. The ramifications of a discourse that pits contemporary Hinduism against its hoary past are profound and terrifying. The claim made by my opponents that there is no such thing as Hinduism-regardless of the name we might choose to assign it-simply denies the existence of an integrated unified spiritual substratum in ancient India. This battle, therefore, is also an intellectual one, with implications for the very survival of Hinduism as a tradition with a rich past, to be understood on its own terms.
The school of thought I debunk here represents an insidious, subtle. but nevertheless powerful, form of colonialism and conversion. Indeed, no explicit act of ‘conversion’ is even necessary, one is systemically re- programmed to believe that one was never a Hindu in the first place, and that the things one cherished about Hinduism all along were simply a repackaged collection of Christian and Westem secular beliefs and values. Thus, one is made to feel that one loses nothing by abandoning Hinduism other than the term itself.
This pernicious ploy is used to create fissures in Hindu society by pitting the spiritual giants of Hinduism against one other, and to distort their subtle and deeply intricate viewpoints. The book not only disproves this dangerous line of thought, it offers a new framework in which to understand and interpret Hindu identity that is broad and yet well-defined, authentic and yet accessible, embracing both the traditional and the contemporary.
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English Books, Occam (An Imprint of BluOne Ink), इतिहास, ऐतिहासिक नगर, सभ्यता और संस्कृति
Sanskrit Non-Translatables
-10%English Books, Occam (An Imprint of BluOne Ink), इतिहास, ऐतिहासिक नगर, सभ्यता और संस्कृतिSanskrit Non-Translatables
Sanskrit Non-Translatable is a path-breaking and audacious attempt at Sanskritizing the English language and enriching it with powerful Sanskrit words. It continues the original and innovative idea of non- translatability of Sanskrit, first introduced in the book, Being Different. For English readers, this should be the starting point of the movement to resist the digestion of Sanskrit into English, by introducing loanwords into their English vocabulary without translation.
The book presents a thorough mechanism of the Process of digestion and examines the loss of adhikara for Sanskrit because of translating its core ideas into English. The movement launched by this book will resist this and stop the Programs that to Sanskrit into a dead language by translation all its treasures to render it redundant Discuss fifty-four non-transaxle groins genres that are being commonly m translated. It empowers English speak with the knowledge and arguments to introduce these San. words into early speech with confidence. Every lover of India’ Sanskrit will benefit from the book and become a cultural amba door propagating it rough routine communication.
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English Books, Occam (An Imprint of BluOne Ink), Suggested Books, अध्यात्म की अन्य पुस्तकें, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Snakes in the Ganga (HB)
-11%English Books, Occam (An Imprint of BluOne Ink), Suggested Books, अध्यात्म की अन्य पुस्तकें, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Snakes in the Ganga (HB)
Snakes in the Ganga: Breaking India 2.0
Snakes in the Ganga unveils uncomfortable truths concerning India’s vulnerabilities: Intense warfare against India’s integrity is the work of a well-orchestrated global machinery driven by a new ideology. Marxism has been reincarnated as Critical Race Theory in US academia and serves as the framework to address America’s racism. This has been recklessly mapped on to India:Caste is equated with Race. Marginalized communities of India are considered as Blacks and Brahmins as the Whites of India. Groups claiming grievances (like Muslims and LGBTQ+) are artificially clubbed together. Popularly called the Woke movement, the mission is to dismantle Indian civilization and heritage by waging an uncompromising war against India’s government, educational institutions, culture, industry, and society. Harvard University is Ground Zero of these social theories developed in collaboration with Indian scholars, activists, journalists and artists. This represents a clear and present danger to India’s sovereignty and national security. Several Indian elites are hoisting Harvard as the vishwa guru with their money and family names. Some private universities within India are importing Wokeism that has serious repercussions for India’s stability. Indian corporates are bringing the latest Western rubric of Environmental, Social, and Governance ratings into their workplace. This is aligned with the global Social Justice movement. China has exploited this latest infrastructure as a passage to India. Wokeism has penetrated some of the Indian government’s policies. For instance, the National Education Policy 2020 is propagating Harvard’s liberal arts. An entire ecosystem of ideologies, institutions and young leaders is emerging for the recolonization of India. Is India for sale?
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English Books, Occam (An Imprint of BluOne Ink), Suggested Books, अध्यात्म की अन्य पुस्तकें, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Snakes in the Ganga (PB)
-13%English Books, Occam (An Imprint of BluOne Ink), Suggested Books, अध्यात्म की अन्य पुस्तकें, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Snakes in the Ganga (PB)
Snakes in the Ganga: Breaking India 2.0
Snakes in the Ganga unveils uncomfortable truths concerning India’s vulnerabilities: Intense warfare against India’s integrity is the work of a well-orchestrated global machinery driven by a new ideology. Marxism has been reincarnated as Critical Race Theory in US academia and serves as the framework to address America’s racism. This has been recklessly mapped on to India:Caste is equated with Race. Marginalized communities of India are considered as Blacks and Brahmins as the Whites of India. Groups claiming grievances (like Muslims and LGBTQ+) are artificially clubbed together. Popularly called the Woke movement, the mission is to dismantle Indian civilization and heritage by waging an uncompromising war against India’s government, educational institutions, culture, industry, and society. Harvard University is Ground Zero of these social theories developed in collaboration with Indian scholars, activists, journalists and artists. This represents a clear and present danger to India’s sovereignty and national security. Several Indian elites are hoisting Harvard as the vishwa guru with their money and family names. Some private universities within India are importing Wokeism that has serious repercussions for India’s stability. Indian corporates are bringing the latest Western rubric of Environmental, Social, and Governance ratings into their workplace. This is aligned with the global Social Justice movement. China has exploited this latest infrastructure as a passage to India. Wokeism has penetrated some of the Indian government’s policies. For instance, the National Education Policy 2020 is propagating Harvard’s liberal arts. An entire ecosystem of ideologies, institutions and young leaders is emerging for the recolonization of India. Is India for sale?
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English Books, Occam (An Imprint of BluOne Ink), Suggested Books, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
The Battle for Consciousness Theory (PB)
-20%English Books, Occam (An Imprint of BluOne Ink), Suggested Books, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र, सही आख्यान (True narrative)The Battle for Consciousness Theory (PB)
The Battle for Consciousness Theory: A Response to Ken Wilber’s Appropriation of Sri Aurobindo’s Work and Other Indian Thought is a compelling and meticulous account of the digestion and subversion of the work of one of India’s greatest sages Sri Aurobindo. The book uncovers the systematic co-opting of Sri Aurobindo’s seminal ideas by the American theorist Ken Wilber and their reformulation into his own ‘Integral Theory’. Based on extensive research spanning a quarter century, the book provides deep insights into the developments that shaped (and distorted) the Aurobindonian discourse in recent decades. It discusses the ramifications of the enhancement of Western Universalism at the expense of Vedic and other Indian traditions while analyzing certain limitations in Wilber’s work.
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English Books, Occam (An Imprint of BluOne Ink), सही आख्यान (True narrative)
The Battle for IITs: A Defense of Meritocracy
-12%English Books, Occam (An Imprint of BluOne Ink), सही आख्यान (True narrative)The Battle for IITs: A Defense of Meritocracy
This book is part of a series that started with the flagship Snakes in the Ganga: Breaking India 2.0 in September 2022. The present volume focuses on the American project led by Harvard University to dismantle the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and other institutions of excellence in India, by claiming that they propagate structural casteism. While it is beyond the scope of this book to discuss in detail Marxism, Postmodernism and other European intellectual movements of the last 150 years, the fact is that these movements have influenced what has culminated in this current battle against the IITs. Simply put, we will show that: The IITs are under attack. There are legal implications of this attack. It has severe consequences for the IITs, its students and faculty, India, and engineering education. The consequences of this attack will follow the IIT engineer and other tech professionals to their workplace anywhere in the world. Harvard’s Woke machinery is behind this attack and we need to understand the sophistication that backs it. Our evidence-based rebuttal gives IITians and other engineers the toolkit to tackle false accusations of being casteist bigots. We end with a call to action by IITians and other stakeholders.
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English Books, Occam (An Imprint of BluOne Ink), इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Varna Jati Caste
-12%English Books, Occam (An Imprint of BluOne Ink), इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Varna Jati Caste
Caste is being used as a major weapon to shame Hindus. This crisp and easy primer presents a powerful counter to Western Universalism’s harsh attacks on caste. It is a long over-due toolkit to help all open-minded people gain an understanding of the subtleties of Hinduism’s complex social order. This social structure has, after all, produced a civilization with unparalleled diversity. The Vedic worldview along with the historical journey of Varna and Jati demolishes the prevailing myths about caste.
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Harper Collins, Hindi Books, इतिहास
About the Book: Vibhinnata: An Indian Challenge to Western Universalism India is more than a nation state. It is also a unique civilization with philosophies and cosmologies that are markedly distinct from the dominant culture of our times-that of the West. In this book, thinker and philosopher Rajiv Malhotra addresses the challenge of a direct and honest engagement with differences, by reversing the gaze and looking at the West from the dharmic point of view. In doing so, he challenges many hitherto unexamined beliefs that both sides hold about themselves and each other, pointing out the integral unity that underpins dharmas metaphysics and contrasts this with Western
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