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English Books, Parimal Publications, वेद/उपनिषद/ब्राह्मण/पुराण/स्मृति
Vayu Purana Set of 2
The Vayu Purana gets its name from the Wind-god who is said to be its promulgator.
M. Winternitz under Vayaviya or Vayu Purana says- This appears in same lists, under the name of Saiva or Purana, a title which is given to the work because it is dedicated to the worship of god Siva. As proclaimed by the Wind-god, Vayu Purana is quoted in the Mahabharata as well as by the Harivamsa Purana. It has already been mentioned that the poet Bana (about 625 A.D.) had read the Vayu Purana and that in this Purana, the rule of the Guptas is described as it was in the 4th century A.D. making the work not later than 5th century A.D.Legend occurring in Vayu Purana is Siva and not Visnu, as held by Winternitz. But in chapter 109-112, depicting Gaya Mahatmya, we find a great tribute paid to Visnu.
According to Vacaspati Gairola- “The expert knowledge of the Puranas was initiated by Brahma himself”. Vayu Purana is a true representation of this fact in chapter 103, verse 58.
Vayu has been description as expert in grammar (Sabda-sastra). Brahma passed on this Purana to Vayu (Matarisvan) from whom it was received by Usanas who passed it on to Brhaspati who subsequently narrated it to Savitr (Sun). Savitr spoke it to Mrtyu who passed it on to Indra from whom Vasistha learnt it. Vasistha even passed it on to Sarasvata. From Sarasvata, it passed on to Tridhaman (the name of the tenth Vyasa of Dvapara Yuga, an incarnation of adorable Bhgru) ; who passed it on to Saradvata; who passed it on to Trivista ; who gave it to Antariksa; who passed it on to Varsin. He even passed it on to Trayyarena. Trayyarena passed it on to Dhananjaya; who passed it on to Krtanjaya, from whom it went over to Trnanjaya; who passed it on to Bharadvaja. Bharadvaja passed it on to Gautama and he too, passed it on to Niryantara. Niryantara spoke it to Vajasrava who gave it to Somasusma. Somasusma passed it on to Trnabindu who passed it on to Sakti. From Sakti it passed on to Parasara staying in the womb. From Parasara it passed on to Jatukarna from Dvaipayana and from Dvaipayana, the sage, assimilated. According to Vacaspati Gairola, Vayu Purana consists of 12,000 verses in 112 chapters. He considers Siva Purana as who Distinct treatises even when Visva-Kosa-kara of Bangla takes two as identical, on the basis of his review of Venkatesvara Steam Press, Bombay and Anandasrama Granthavali Publication of Siva Purana.
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