Sita Ram Goel Books
Showing 1–24 of 31 results
Voice of India, इतिहास, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Catholic Ashrams: Sannyasins or Swindlers?
Voice of India, इतिहास, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Catholic Ashrams: Sannyasins or Swindlers?
The emergence of Catholic ashrams in several parts of the country is not an isolated development. These institutions are links in a chain which is known as the ‘Ashram Movement’, and which different denominations of Christianity are promoting in concert. The Protestants and the Syrian Orthodox have evolved similar establishments. Taken together, these institutions are known as Christian ashrams. Several books and many articles have already been devoted to the subject by noted Christian writers. The Ashram Movement, in turn, is part of another and larger plan which is known as Indigenisation or Inculturation and which has several other planks. The plan has already produced a mass of literature and is being continuously reviewed in colloquies, conferences, seminars, and spiritual workshops on the local, provincial, regional, national, and international levels. High-powered committees and councils and special cells have been set up for supervising its elaboration and implementation. What strikes one most as one wades through the literature of Indigenisation is the sense of failure from which Christianity is suffering in this country. Or, what seems more likely, this literature is being produced with the express purpose of creating that impression. The gains made so far by an imperialist enterprise are being concealed under a sob-story. Whatever the truth, we find that the mission strategists are trying hard to understand and explain why Christianity has not made the strides it should have made by virtue of its own merits and the opportunities that came its way. Christianity, claim the mission strategists, possesses and proclaims the only true prescription for spiritual salvation. It has been present in India, they say, almost since the commencement of the Christian era. During the last four hundred years, it has been promoted in all possible ways by a succession of colonial powers – the Portuguese, the Dutch, the French, and the British. The secular dispensation which has obtained in this country since the dawn of independence has provided untrammeled freedom to the functioning as well as the multiplication of the Christian mission. Many Christian countries in the West have maintained for many years an unceasing flow of finance and personnel for the spread of the gospel. The costs of the enterprise over the years, in terms of money and manpower, are mind-boggling. Yet Christianity has failed to reap a rich harvest among the Hindu heathens. Sita Ram Goel (1921-2003) took his M.A. in History in 1944, from the University of Delhi. He won scholarships and distinctions in school as well as college. Well-versed in several languages, he had studied the literature, philosophy, religion, history and sociology of several cultures-ancient, medieval and modern. For his judgements and evaluations, however, he drew his inspiration from the Mahabharata and Suttapitaka, Plato and Sri Aurobindo. He had written several documented studies on Communism, Soviet Russia, Red China, Christianity and Islam. Author of eight novels, he had translated into Hindi quite a few books from English, including some dialogues of Plato and a biography of Shivaji. His other works include compilations from the Mahabharata and the Suttapitaka. Having become a convinced Communist by the time he came out of college, he turned against this criminal ideology in 1949 when he came to know what was happening inside Soviet Russia. From 1950 onwards he participated in a movement for informing the Indian people about the theory as well as the practice of Communism in Stalin’s Russia and Mao’s China. The numerous studies published by the movement in the fifties exist in cold print in many libraries and can be consulted for finding out how the movement anticipated by many years the recent revelations about Communist regimes.;
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Voice of India, इतिहास, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Freedom of Expression
Voice of India, इतिहास, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Freedom of Expression
Over the past few years, many of Freedom House’s publications, including Freedom in the World, Freedom of the Press and Freedom on the Net: A Global Assessment of Internet and Digital Media, have pointed to worrisome declines in freedom of expression in countries around the world. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, freedom of expression is the right of every individual to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. In practice, however, this fundamental human right is frequently restricted through tactics that include censorship, restrictive press legislation, and harassment of journalists, bloggers and others who voice their opinions, as well as crackdowns on religious minorities and other suppression of religious freedom. In response to the growing problem, Freedom House is engaging in a multi-faceted Freedom of Expression Campaign to defend this critical right.
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Voice of India, इतिहास, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Genesis and Growth of Nehruism
Voice of India, इतिहास, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Genesis and Growth of Nehruism
This book documents, from Pandit Nehru’s own writings and speeches, the Genesis and Growth of his ideology–how he was drawn into the Comintern network in 1926; how he became a worshiper of the Soviet Union after a brief visit to Moscow in 1927; how Lenin and Stalin became his heroes par excellence.
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Abrahamic religions (अब्राहमिक मजहब), Voice of India, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Heroic Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders
Abrahamic religions (अब्राहमिक मजहब), Voice of India, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Heroic Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders
It is this version of India’s history which gave a good conscience to the British imperialist while he pulverised Hindu society, plundered Hindu wealth and poured undisguised contempt on Hindu culture, It is this version of India’s history which emasculated Hindu society and emboldened the residues of Islamic imperialism to stage street riots and then walk away with precious parts of the Hindu homeland, thus consolidating an aggression which had not succeeded even though mounted again and again for more than a thousand years. It is this version of India’s history which is being invoked by the fifth-columns of Islam, Christianity, and Communism, each of which looks forward to a final conquest of this country with the help of foreign finances and, if need be, foreign firearms. And it is this version of India’s history which is being promoted by power-hungry politicians who woo the Muslim vote-bank while they divide Hindu society into mutually hostile camps.
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Voice of India, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Hindu Society Under Siege
Born in 1921, Sita Ram Goel took his M.A. in History in 1944, from the University of Delhi. He won scholarships and distinctions in school as well as college. Well-versed in several languages, he had studied the literature, philosophy, religion, history, and sociology of several cultures ancient, medieval and modern. For his judgments and evaluations, however, he drew his inspiration from the Mahabharata, the Sutta Pitaka, Plato and Sri Aurobindo. He had written several documented studies on Communism, Soviet Russia, Red China, Christianity, and Islam. Author of eight novels, he had translated into Hindi quite a few books from English, including some dialogues of Plato and a biography of Shivaji. His other works include compilations from the Mahabharata and the Sutta pitaka. Having become a convinced Communist by the time he came out of college, he turned against this criminal ideology in 1949 when he came to know what was happening inside Soviet Russia. From 1950 onwards he participated in a movement for informing the Indian people about the theory as well as the practice of Communism in Stalin\’s Russia and Mao’s China. The numerous studies published by the movement in the fifties exist in cold print in many libraries and can be consulted for finding out how the movement anticipated by many years the recent revelations about Communist regimes.
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English Books, Suggested Books, Voice of India, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Hindu Temples: What Happened to Them (Vol. 2)
English Books, Suggested Books, Voice of India, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Hindu Temples: What Happened to Them (Vol. 2)
The book restricts itself mainly to the study of Hindu temples destroyed and desecrated and converted into mosques and khanqahs without overlooking Muslim’s ideology of iconoclasm; here and there, it also mentions other theological props and concomitants of the iconoclastic ideology. In the book, Ayodhya retains its importance, but it does not occupy the center of discussion. In dealing with its subject, it exercises complete fidelity to truth; unlike secularist and Marxist writers, it does not believe in re-writing and fabricating history.
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English Books, Suggested Books, Voice of India, इतिहास, प्रेरणादायी पुस्तकें (Motivational books)
Hindu Temples: What Happened to Them Vol. 1 (A Preliminary Survey)
English Books, Suggested Books, Voice of India, इतिहास, प्रेरणादायी पुस्तकें (Motivational books)Hindu Temples: What Happened to Them Vol. 1 (A Preliminary Survey)
The present volume makes no pretense of presenting such a study, but by choice restricts itself mainly to the study of Hindu temples destroyed and desecrated and converted into mosque and khanqabs without overlooking Muslim’s ideology of iconoclasm; here and there, it also mentions other theological props and concomitants of the iconoclastic ideology.
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Voice of India, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
History of Hindu Christian encounters
Hindus from seventeenth-century Pandits of Tamil Nadu to Mahatma Gandhi have wasted no end of breath to demolish the dogma of Christianity. But it has hardly made any difference to the arrogance of Christian theologians and missionaries. That is because the dogma was never meant for discussion. It is an axiom of logic that that which has not been proved cannot and need not be disproved. Who has ever proved that the non-descript Jew who was crucified by a Roman governor of Judaea in 33 AD atoned for the sins of mankind for all time to come? Who has ever proved that those who accept that man as the only savior will ascend to a heaven of everlasting bliss and those who do not will burn forever in the blazing fire of hell? Nor can the proclamation or the promise or the threat be disproved. High-sounding theological blah blah notwithstanding, the fact remains that the dogma is no more than a subterfuge for forging and wielding an organizational weapon for aggression against other people. It is high time for Hindus to dismiss the dogma of Christianity with the contempt it deserves, and pay attention to the Christian missionary apparatus planted in their midst. The sole aim of this apparatus is to ruin Hindu society and culture, and take over the Hindus homeland. It goes on devising strategies for every situation, favorable and unfavorable. It trains and employs a large number of intellectual criminals ready to prostitute their talents in the service of their paymasters and adept at dressing up dark designs in high-sounding language. The fact that every design is advertised as a theology in the Indian context and every criminal euphemized as an Indian theologian should not hoodwink Hindus about the real intentions. Hindus are committing a great mistake in regarding the encounter between Hinduism and Christianity as a dialogue between two religions. Christianity has never been a religion; it has always been predatory imperialism par excellence. The encounter, therefore, should be viewed as a battle between two totally opposed and mutually exclusive ways of thought and behavior. In the language of the Gita (Chapter 16), it is a war between daivi (divine) and asuri (demonic) sampads (propensities). In the larger context of history, it can also be described as a war between the Vedic and the Biblical traditions. The Vedic tradition has given to the world schools of Sanatana Dharma which have practiced peace among their own followers as well as towards the followers of other paths. On the other hand, the Biblical tradition has spawned cults such as Christianity, Islam, Communism, and Nazism which have always produced violent conflicts as much within their own camps as with each other.
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Voice of India, इतिहास, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
India’s Secularism
Voice of India, इतिहास, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र, सही आख्यान (True narrative)India’s Secularism
The ideology Secularism had taken shape during the European Enlightenment (18-19 centuries). Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru who had never used the term in his pre-independence writings or speeches simply picked up a prestigious world form the Western political parlance and made it mean the opposite of what it meant in the West. The outcome of this perversion proved disastrous for the newly independent nation, as it became more than obvious in due course. In pre-independent India, the ‘Muslim minority’ had exercised a veto on who was to be hailed as ‘nationalist’ and who was to be denounced as ‘Hindu communalist’. Now the same ‘minority’ reacquired the same veto on who was to be applauded as ‘secularist’ and who was to be hounded out as ‘communalist’. In short, the term ‘secularism’ in the post-independence period has been and remains no more than a euphemism for Hindu-baiting. The word ‘India’s’ instead of ‘Indian’ has been used in the title of this book because there is nothing Indian about Nahruvian Secularism. In fact, the term ‘secularism’ in its original Western sense had remained unknown to Indian political parlance because Indians had never envisaged or experienced a theocratic dispensation before the advent of Islam and its state apparatus in this country. Even today, traditional Indian scholars do not understand what theocracy means, and how Secularism in the Western sense stands opposed to it. And this ‘secularism’ has not been defined as Nahruvian because it is shared in common by all political parties including the Bharatiya Janata Party.
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Abrahamic religions (अब्राहमिक मजहब), English Books, Suggested Books, Voice of India, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Islam vis-a-vis Hindu Temples
Abrahamic religions (अब्राहमिक मजहब), English Books, Suggested Books, Voice of India, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Islam vis-a-vis Hindu Temples
Islam has been tormenting Hindu society for more than thirteen hundred years. It has inflicted no end of grievous injuries on the Hindu homeland, Hindu population, and the Hindu heritage. It is high time Hindus should understand the system of belief from which Muslim behavior pattern evolves. Hindus have so far failed to study Islam from the orthodox sources. In fact, they have been more than willing to buy the fairy takes which the salesman of Islam have fabricated, particularly about the Prophet, the Pious Caliphs, and the Sufis.
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Voice of India, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Jesus Christ: An artifice for aggression
The historicity of Jesus Christ as described in the gospels has been for a long time one of the principal dogmas of all Christian denominations. In India where the history of the search for the Jesus of history remains unknown even to the so-called educated elite, the missionaries continue to hawk this dogma without fear of contradiction. The scene in the modern West, however, has undergone a great change. What we witness over there is that this ‘solid historical figure’ has evaporated into thin air as a result of painstaking Biblical and Christological research undertaken over the last more than two hundred years, mostly by theologians belonging to the Protestant churches.
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Abrahamic religions (अब्राहमिक मजहब), English Books, Suggested Books, Voice of India, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Muslim Separatism: Causes And Consequences
Abrahamic religions (अब्राहमिक मजहब), English Books, Suggested Books, Voice of India, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Muslim Separatism: Causes And Consequences
The book discusses the pattern through which Islam has been breaking the Hindu society and its motherland, taking away Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and following up the battle in Kashmir and Assam.
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Voice of India, इतिहास, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Perversion of India’s political parlance
Voice of India, इतिहास, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Perversion of India’s political parlance
As one surveys India’s political parlance, the first feature one notices is that while certain people and parties are described as Leftist, certain others are designated as Rightist. The second feature which invites attention is that these contradistinctive labels – Leftist and Rightist – have never been apportioned among people and parties concerned by an impartial tribunal like, say, the Election Commission. What has happened is that certain people and parties have appropriated one label – Leftist – for themselves, and reserved the other label – Rightist – for their opponents, without permission from or prior consultation with the latter. The third feature which one discovers very soon is that people and parties who call themselves Leftist, also claim to be progressive, revolutionary, socialist, secularist, and democratic. At the same time, they accuse the ‘Rightists’ of being reactionary, revivalist, capitalist, and fascist. The fourth feature of the Indian political scene needs a somewhat deeper look because it goes beyond the merely political and borders on the philosophical. The Leftists claim that they are committed to a scientific interpretation of the world-process including economic, social, political, and cultural developments, and that, therefore, their plans and programmes are not only pertinent but also profitable for the modern age. Simultaneously, they accuse that the ‘Rightists’ are addicted to an obscurantist view of the same world-process and, therefore, to such outmoded forms of economy, polity, and culture as are bound to be injurious at this stage of human history. One cannot help concluding that the dictionaries are not al all helpful in deciphering the Leftist language. The source of that language has to be sought elsewhere. There is no truth whatsoever in the Leftist claim that India’s prevailing political parlance took shape in the course of India’s fight for freedom against British imperialism.
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Voice of India, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Pseudo-Secularism Christian Missions and Hindu Resistance
Voice of India, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Pseudo-Secularism Christian Missions and Hindu Resistance
This book forms the Introduction to a bulkier publication, Vindicated By Time: The Niyogi Committee Report On Christian Missionary Activities, which carries a report of the complete Niyogi Committee Report published in 1956. The Constitution of independent India adopted in January 1950 made things quite smooth for the Christian missions. They surged forward with renewed vigour. Nationalist resistance to what had been viewed as an imperialist incubus during the Struggle for Freedom from British rule, broke down when the very leaders who had frowned upon it started speaking in its favour. Voices which still remained ‘recalcitrant’ were sought to be silenced by being branded as those of ‘Hindu communalism’. Nehruvian Secularism had stolen a march under the smokescreen of Mahatma Gandhi’s sarva-dharma-sambhava. The Christian missionary orchestra in India after independence has continued to rise from one crescendo to another with the applause of the Nehruvian establishment manned by a brood of self-alienated Hindus spawned by missionary-macaulayite education.
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