Vitasta Publishing Books
Showing 1–24 of 41 results
English Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास
1971 1999 WAR STORIES
1971. 1999. War Stories documents the ‘oral history’ of the war veterans of the Liberation and Kargil War. Culled from personal interviews, this compilation of anecdotes gives you a glimpse into the minds of those who made decisions that saved thousands of lives and possibly changed the course of history. From getting caught by the Pakistanis as a Prisoner of War, to dangerous landings on muddy grounds, healing bullet-ridden aircraft to clandestine missions carried out by our helicopter and transport stalwarts, each story brings out aspects of leadership, motivation, management and most importantly, the resilience of our soldiers in uniform. Unfiltered and unbiased, these are personal war accounts straight from the soldiers who participated in these conflicts.
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English Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास
For twenty-three years a myth has been perpetuated that former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by the LTTE because it feared his triumphant return to power at the conclusion of the 1991 general elections, underway, when Rajiv, out of power was assassinated on 21 May 1991. But if this basic premise is knocked off and the alternate scenario is shown that the Congress which returned to power in 1991 even after Rajiv’s assassination considerably short of a simple majority, had no chance of returning to power, had Rajiv not been sacrificed thus, then the entire bottom of this myth is knocked off and the whole theory falls flat on its nose. This is the premise on which everyone starting from CBI-SIT to the Supreme Court and numerous analysts and theorists have built their castles of conspiracy. This book is also about conspiracies and intrigue, but it has attempted to explode this myth and seeks to find why Rajiv was killed if he was not likely to return to power in the 1991 mid-term elections?
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Hindi Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास
एक बेहतर दुनिया के लिए यह बेहद जरूरी है कि हम अपने इतिहास के सबसे प्रेरणादायक पक्षों से जरूरी प्रेरणा ओर सीख लेते रहे ! यह मानना हैं इस पुस्तक के वरिष्ठ लेखक भारत डोगरा हैं ! आजादी के दीवानो की दास्तान पुस्तक को चार लेखकों: प्रोफेसर जगमोहन, रेशमा भारती, मधु डोगरा, ओर भारत डोगरा ने मिलकर लिखा है ! इस में महान स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों शहीद भगत सिंह , खान अब्दुल गफ्फर खान , गणेश शंकर विद्यार्थी , श्रीदेव सुमन , बिरसा मुंडा , सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान, आजादी की लड़ाई में शहीद हुई महिलाएं जरा याद करो कुर्बानी के तहत उनके जीवन और विचारो को प्रस्तुत किया है ! आजादी की लड़ाई के घटनाक्रमों को सिलसिलेवार, बेहद ही सटीक और सुरुचिपूर्ण तरिके से पाठको तक पहुंचाने का प्रयास किया है ! पुस्तक के संयोजक भारत डोगरा का मानना है कि इस को लिखने का उददेश्य मौजूदा समय में नई पीढ़ी के प्रेरणा स्तोत्र के रूप में इन स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों के जीवन और विचारो को प्रतिष्ठित किया जा सके! पुस्तक की प्रस्तुति में प्रत्येक सेनानी के जीवन परिचय से लेकर स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के संघर्ष और शहादतका विस्तार और गहनता से अध्ययन कर के बेहद ही सार्थक जानकारी ओर सामग्री पाठको तक पहुंचाई गयी है! क्रन्तिकारी महिलाओं में कई नाम तो परिचय के मोहताज नहीं है पर कई ऐसी महिलाएँ भी रही जो गुप्त तौर पर काम कर के आजादी के संघर्ष में शहीद हुई उनके बारे में जानना भी दिलचस्प है ! इस में दो राय नहीं है कि यह पुस्तक आजादी की लड़ाई के संघर्ष ओर उससे जुडी शहीदो की कहानी को संपूर्णता से पाठको तक पहुंचाती है ! सहज सरल भाषा से सुपाठ्य यह पुस्तक सभी के लिए प्रेरणा दायक साबित होगी!
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Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण
A little boy climbs down the stairs and runs out of his house. Most little ones do that. But this little boy has no one to stop him. He does not have a name. He only has the memory of a story his father has told him over and over again, from the time he was just six months old until his dying day, when the child was about four years old. It is the story of his father’s love affair with his mother and betrayal.
From the streets of Kathmandu, this is the story of a child who names himself Basu Rai, and who travels the corridors of the world, takes part in the Global March against child labour and arrives finally in the country he identifies as his own—India. Though Basu has found his country, his quest for a family is not over. His search for identity begins with his book which maps the step by step progress of a reticent toddler from a well-to-do family through being a violent street child and a child labourer returning from the jaws of death several times, to his fights to go to school, being school captain and finally at 26, with the telling of his story in a book.
This is an inspirational story which tells about nurturing by a father. It is also a story that tells us here was a case for nurturing by the state, which was completely missing. It, instead, points to the loopholes in the systems in place, the social welfare systems, the education systems and the family systems that the subcontinent so boasts about, but in reality, does not exist. It directs us to the vacuum children are often forced to grow up in. To get an enlightened and educated young citizen from nothing is nothing short of a miracle.
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English Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास
On the night of 12 October 1987, in a Special Heliborne Operation, 150 soldiers of the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) were trapped inside Jaffna University, Sri Lanka, surrounded by fighters of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). As the rest of the IPKF force desperately tried to break through the well-entrenched LTTE defences, the soldiers found themselves slowly bleeding to death. Miserably behind schedule, outnumbered and outgunned with ammunition and supplies fast dwindling and no reinforcements in sight—the rescuers fought with their backs, literally, to the wall. With the politicians playing their own games and the Indian spy agencies supporting the LTTE against them, the IPKF fought to determine who was friend and foe. Battlefield Jaffna takes you into the heart of the struggle, right in the middle of the most brutal, intense and dirty battle fought in Sri Lanka. It is a story of men without bullets—of men with only their courage left to defend themselves as the battle wore on.
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Vitasta Publishing, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Bhagva Aatank ek shadyantra
-10%Vitasta Publishing, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Bhagva Aatank ek shadyantra
What role did ministers like shivraj Patil, br Chidambaram, to arouse antulay, digvijay Singh and officials like chitkala zutshi, Dharmendra Sharma, Hemant karkare, RV Raju play in the Hindu terror narrative. Here is a version of a man who almost was taken captive and was to be traded for release of ajax kasab, but saved by sheer Providence. In his insider account, author rvs Mani discloses how the country internal security establishment functioned in the period of 2004-2014 when India faced some of the bloodiest terrorist carnage. This former home Ministry official posted in the internal security division between 2006-2010 poses several questions which the nation should seek answers to.
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Hindi Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास
Bharat Ki Shaikshik Dharohar
यूरोपीय विश्वविद्यालयों की स्थापना से बहुत पहले भारत में ज्ञानार्जन के बहु-विषयक केंद्र थे जिन्होंने विश्व भर में ज्ञान क्रांति को बढ़ावा दिया। यह पुस्तक भारत की महान शैक्षिक विरासत को कालक्रमानुसार दर्शाने की आवश्यकता को पूरा करती है। यह पुस्तक उस अद्वितीय पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र का वर्णन करती है, जिसने यह सुनिश्चित किया कि गुरुओं और आचार्यों द्वारा पीढ़ियों तक छात्रों को ज्ञानार्जन का सौभाग्य मिलता रहे। जैसा लेखिका कहती हैं, “जब तलवारों ने रक्त से अपनी प्यास बुझाई और अकाल ने भूमि को तबाह कर दिया, तब भी भारतीय अपनी प्रज्ञा पर टिके रहे कि ज्ञान से अधिक पवित्र कुछ भी नहीं है।” लेखिका ने वाचिक इतिहास, स्थानीय विद्या, यात्रा वृतांत, उत्तरजीवी साहित्य, शिलालेख, संरक्षित पांडुलिपियों और विद्वानों व जनसाधारण के जीवन वृत्तान्त से जानकारी एकत्र की है। ऐतिहासिक रूप से, यह पुस्तक प्राचीन भारत की परंपराओं से लेकर इसकी विरासत के जानबूझकर विनाश करने तक के एक वृहत् काल को अंकित करती है। यह विद्यालय और विश्वविद्यालय शिक्षा की वर्तमान संरचना में प्राचीन शिक्षण प्रणालियों के सबसे प्रासंगिक पहलुओं को सम्मिलित करने के लिए आज उठाए जा सकने वाले कदमों की रूपरेखा से भी अवगत कराती है।
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Vitasta Publishing, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण
Brahmacharya Gandhi & His Women Associates (PB)
Rajmohan Gandhi’s book on Mahatma Gandhi has created a controversy mainly because one of the chapters is devoted to Gandhiji’s relations with Saraladevi Choudharani whom he called his spiritual wife. Girja Kumar gives a more vivid characterisation of this relationship in his book which was released last year. This book, in fact, gives an authentic account of the Mahatma’s relations with various other women associates and the repercussions these romantic liaisons produced on those close to him, including ‘Ba’ (Kasturba Gandhi). The book is ready to go into reprint and the paperback edition will shortly hit the stands. A Hindi edition is also coming up.
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Vitasta Publishing, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र
India’s biggest political mystery resolved. Sitting in a dilapidated house in a remote part of India, a 74-year-old man started narrating in his deep baritone the layout of Jessore cantonment in East Pakistan to his handful of followers. They got the import only a few weeks later when Jessore fell to the advancing Indian Army. This was in December 1971, and Subhas Chandra Bose was officially dead for 25 years. Ever since Netaji was pronounced dead following a plane crash in August 1945, Indians across the world have wondered whether the claim was true. The Government, however, decided to accept the story based on circumstantial evidence. For the first time, it is now conclusively shown that Netaji lived on. Having spent over 15 years in procuring and scouring through thousands of records from across the world, interacting with eyewitnesses and consulting experts, the authors come to a history-bending conclusion that a mostly unseen, unnamed man who lived in various parts of UP from the 1950s to 1985 was indeed Subhas Chandra Bose. From a “living” Netaji’s throwbacks about his contemporaries, his views on Constitutional issues and India’s foreign policy, to his forays into the world of paranormal and top-secret covert missions across the borders to first-ever sensational disclosure why he could not emerge in public — no other book is as bold and vast in its scope and implications. National award-winning director Srijit Mukherji’s upcoming movie “Gumnaami” is based on Conundrum.
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English Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास
Demystifying Madrasah And Deobandi Islam: Legacy and History of Darul Uloom Deoband
-10%English Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहासDemystifying Madrasah And Deobandi Islam: Legacy and History of Darul Uloom Deoband
Demystifying Madrasah and Deobandi Islam traces the origin, evolution and growth of the Deobandi movement and madrasahs and outlines how Darul Uloom inspired and nurtured scores of such institutions across the globe, guiding millions of Muslims to embrace advancements in education while retaining the pristine form of Islam. Deobandi thought has remained steeped in Indian ethos and culture, embracing its diversity, plurality and universalism and thus differs significantly from the madrasahs in countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan. The book’s in-depth study of Deobandi Islam examines how its leaders contributed to the Indian polity and their role in the Indian freedom struggle. The author reconstructs the history of Deobandism and madrasahs through authoritative information from interviews with prominent Muslim scholars, academicians and religious clerics.
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English Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास
Whereas India and West Pakistan won their freedom from the British in 1947, East Pakistan got new colonial masters. So the story has to begin, as has been done in this book for the first time, from the personalities who created Pakistan, the military coups and assassinations that led to political instability, the ruling cliques that jostled for power and pelf, and the misdeeds which created fault-lines between the two wings of Pakistan. This was the backdrop to the genocide carried out by Pakistan’s army, which initially led to the resistance of East Pakistani troops and eventually necessitated India’s training and equipping of Mukti Bahini and joint operations with India’s armed forces. At the same time, dramatic events were also taking place on the world stage, in New York at the UN, in Washington, Dhaka and Islamabad which make for riveting reading. These developments had repercussions on international relations that were felt for decades, such as the unnatural axis between Washington, Beijing and Islamabad and the enduring ties between India and Bangladesh. Brig R P Singh, who was then a Captain in the Indian Army, was associated with the Bangladesh liberation struggle from start to the end. The book is a valuable addition to the literature on geopolitics as well as the subcontinent’s military history. The author provides an insightful, first-hand account of the challenges faced by the war-torn newly independent nation.
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Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
From fraudulent forensic reports to dodgy Parliament replies, our Government has resorted to an array of dark maneuvers to block the truth about SUBHAS CHANDRA BOSE’s fate. Now, powered by years of unrelenting research, CHANDRACHUR GHOSE and ANUJ DHAR bring you the cold truth. The man who freed India was alive long after his reported death, a victim of cruel circumstances. Here are the heartbreaking facts Government would not like you to know.
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Hindi Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास
भारत का संविधान प्रत्येक भारतीय नागरिक के लिए संविधान का पालन करने और उसके आदर्शों, संस्थाओं और राष्ट्रीय ध्वज तथा राष्ट्रीय गान का सम्मान करने को प्रत्येक नागरिक का पहला और सर्वोच्च मौलिक कर्तव्य बनाता है। ऐसा करने के लिए सबसे पहले हमें अपने संविधान से यह जानना ज़रूरी है कि हम किस प्रकार शासित होते हैं, एक नागरिक के रूप में हमारे लोकतांत्रिक अधिकार व कर्तव्य क्या हैं, आदि। हमारे विद्यालयों तथा विश्वविद्यालयों में शिक्षकों व विद्यार्थियों के बीच एक लक्ष्य होना चाहिए कि अंतर्गत वे अपने संविधान में रुचि लेते हुए उसके बारे में अधिक से अधिक जानें। यह पुस्तिका बहुत ही सरल और सहज भाषा में, विश्व के सबसे बड़े संविधान और उसकी कार्यप्रणाली को बहुत ही संक्षिप्त रूप में समझाने का प्रयास है। साथ ही, यह संविधान से जुड़ी बहुत सी प्रचलित भ्रांतियों को दूर करने का प्रयास भी करती है। .
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Hindi Books, Suggested Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Hindu Rashtr Kya? kyon ? kaise ?
-15%Hindi Books, Suggested Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Hindu Rashtr Kya? kyon ? kaise ?
ऋषितुल्य श्रद्धेय Rameshwar Mishra Pankaj जी, महान विदुषी Kusumlata Kedia जी और स्वामी निगमानंद जी द्वारा लिखित इस पुस्तक की बहुत दिनों से प्रतीक्षा थी. पुस्तक प्रकाशित हो गयी है, ये एक अद्भुत रचना है. पढ़िये और जानिये हिन्दू राष्ट्र क्या? क्यों? कैसे?
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Vitasta Publishing, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Hindu TerrorInsider account of Ministry of Home Affairs 2006-2010(PB)
-15%Vitasta Publishing, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Hindu TerrorInsider account of Ministry of Home Affairs 2006-2010(PB)
Chilling account of a man who was almost traded for release of Ajmal Kasab What role did ministers like Shivraj Patil, P Chidambaram, A R Antulay, Digvijay Singh and officials like Chitkala Zutshi, Dharmendra Sharma, Hemant Karkare, R V Raju play in the Hindu Terror narrative?
Here is a version of a man who almost was taken captive and was to be traded for elease of Ajmal Kasab, but saved by sheer providence.
In his insider account, author RVS Mani discloses how the country’s internal security establishment functioned in the period of 20042014 when India faced some of the bloodiest terrorist carnages. This former Home Ministry official posted in the Internal Security Division between 20062010 also poses several questions which the nation should seek answers to.SKU: n/a -
Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
India’s Biggest Cover-up is an investigative insight into the Netaji mystery and its stranger than fiction subplots. Relying heavily on official records—bulk of them still security classified in violation of democratic norms—the book uncovers a systematic obstruction of justice by the Government of India. First for any book in India, the narrative has been augmented with the excerpts and images of still secret records. Archival material and information obtained under the freedom of information acts of India, the US and the UK has also been made use of.
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English Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण
-13%English Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरणINDIRA GANDHI – A POLITICAL BIOGRAPHY
Twenty years after her death, a study on Indira Gandhi still exercises an interest. A chronicle of the years between 1966 and 1984 during which, except for two or three years, Indira Gandhi was India’s Prime Minister. The book is a historical study of the tumultuous events in which Indira Gandhi played a dominant role. The author has tried to piece together these momentous events into an integral narrative so that it reads like a story.
Father Benny Aguiar delves into his memory to write about the period when Indira Gandhi dominated the Indian politics. Indira became the Prime Minister of India in 1966 and remained so, barring the period 1977-79, till her assassination in 1984. She had a colossal presence and the history of India of this period got closely interwoven with her story.
It is in this sense that the book is important. It is not a historical record of events, which many other books have already done. Father Aguiar recounts from his experiences of the period to produce an emotional history that helps understand the situation as it existed then. It is a close brush with reality and tries to make an assessment about the various feelings that shaped Indira’s decision-making.
He does not justify the Emergency but tries to understand why Indira Gandhi, who was a democrat, imposed a system that she was going to denounce when she came to power again in 1980. She spoke about the country needing a healing touch. Not in a thousand years, she said, would the need arise for another Emergency.
Indira Gandhi was an enigma for most of her colleagues. She was politically smarter and could see through the events. This is why she upstaged most of them during her struggle for political survival. In doing so, she kept losing friends one after the other. Gradually her son Sanjay Gandhi was the only one she could rely on. The mother and son duo used to coordinate their activities for running the affairs of the country. But fate snatched away Sanjay from her and left her crestfallen. She gathered the loose strings and began the task of governance.
Indira Gandhi took tough and controversial decisions during her premiership. It is natural for people to dissect them post facto. A real understanding, however, will emerge only if the situation of that time is simulated. Father Aguiar tries to do that.
This is probably for the fist time that a book tries to highlight the role played by various Christian organisations during the numerous crises facing the nation during this period—whether it was the Emergency, riots, relief or rehabilitation. The book also talks of the meeting between Vatican Chief Pope John Paul II and Indira Gandhi.
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Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास
Jangam (Movement) is the poignant tale of ordinary people who embarked on a great, unknown journey in the midst of WWII but whose bids for survival were thwarted as they battled Nature. Hardly any account of this massive calamity has been registered in India’s literature, says Debendranath Acharya in the late 1970s, in the preface to his Sahitya Akademi award-winning Assamese novel. During this migration an estimated 450,000-500,000 Burmese Indians walked to north-east India, fleeing from the Japanese advance and also from escalating ethnic violence in the Burmese theatre of war. ‘Corpses lay everywhere, and there were no jackals and vultures to pick them clean… All other forms of animal life seem to have abjured this pathway, save for scores of beautiful butterflies that cover the bodies in a sea of colour’, say contemporary foreign accounts of this exodus. Jangam is the only sustained fictional treatment of this long march.
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English Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास
The cocktail of subjects touched upon in Jinnah helped Hindus and Other Reflections may surprise some readers by their diversity. From a young boy questioning why with a galaxy of freedom fighters, we have Gandhi’s portrait on all our currency notes, especially when money was his last concern to how Jinnah actually helped Hindus. Why Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, who welcomed Muslim migrants with open arms, is today offering them 3000 Euros as a return package? Many of the essays ask truly relevant questions. According to the author the Babri Masjid should be called Babri maqbarah since it is not a masjid. How acute is the threat of Islamisation of Europe? What is the future of minorities in Pakistan? Why did Jinnah call the Aligarh Muslim University the ‘arsenal of Pakistan’? Prafull Goradia also analyses why Indians still prefer sarkari jobs over others and what the causes of the failure of State Capitalism are. In the essay ‘Cricket in Need of a Revolution’ the author is critical of the fact that India has only one competitive international cricket team. Almost the same players play Test matches, One-dayers as well as twenty-20s. Why? We overstrain these players and might even be risking the quality of their game. Every reader will find something of interest in this collection of essays.
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English Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र
-10%English Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्रKAUTILYA THE TRUE FOUNDER OF ECONOMICS
This book seeks to highlight the monumental contribution of Kautilya to economic thought. The Arthashastra explicitly promotes the goals of both artha (material well-being) and dharma (righteous behavior) as a consistent whole and repudiates any deviation from them. A serious attempt is made here to revise the currently accepted history of economic thought. It is claimed that presentation of Kautilya’s original contributions should succeed in dispelling the deep-seated myth that economics originated during the eighteenth century and Adam Smith was the founder of economics. A claim is only as good as the arguments it stands on. For the first time, strong arguments are provided by the author as to why Kautilya should be considered as the founder of economics in the fourth century BCE. It is also argued that Kautilya’s The Arthashastra may be correctly designated as Dharmanomics: economics built on an ethical foundation, projecting economics and economic policy in a more meaningful and socially desirable perspective. The book also shows that the Hindu civilization is not averse to economic growth.
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English Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास
It is 2011 and the world is a more dangerous place than ever before. A regime allied to Al-Qaeda has swept to power in Saudi Arabia and uses its oil wealth and modern arsenal to further spread jihad. Yet another military coup brings a fundamentalist regime to power in Pakistan, which initiates an audacious plan to strike the first blow in this new global jihad. As unprecedented terror attacks stun India, the stage is set for a conflict (with Pakistan) that brings the Indian subcontinent to the brink of a nuclear apocalypse. With a broad cast of characters from both sides that put the reader into the thick of the unfolding crisis, Line of Control is a war thriller with a fast-paced storyline ripped from today’s headlines and explosive action.
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English Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
-15%English Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण, सही आख्यान (True narrative)LT COLONEL PUROHIT THE MAN BETRAYED? (PB)
‘It’s Hindu Terror!’ screamed newspaper headlines, when for the first time in the country’s history an army man, Lt Col Prasad Shrikant Purohit, was arrested in connection with the September 2008 Malegaon bomb blast. Who was this person, why was his name plastered over the front page of all newspapers? Why him of all people? Was he guilty? Was he framed? Was he a scapegoat? What happened to the family of this decorated officer while he languished in prison for nine long years as undertrial? Lt Colonel Purohit: Soldier or Terrorist? attempts to answer these very questions and in the course brings to light a conspiracy which makes one shudder to even think of…
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Hindi Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण, सही आख्यान (True narrative)
Lt Colonel Purohit-Shadyantra ka Shikaar Deshbhakt?/लेफ्टेनेंट कर्नल पुरोहित – षड्यंत्र का शिकार देशभक्त?
-15%Hindi Books, Vitasta Publishing, इतिहास, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण, सही आख्यान (True narrative)Lt Colonel Purohit-Shadyantra ka Shikaar Deshbhakt?/लेफ्टेनेंट कर्नल पुरोहित – षड्यंत्र का शिकार देशभक्त?
देश के इतिहास में पहली बार सेना के एक अधिकारी लेफ्टिनेंट कर्नल प्रसाद श्रीकांत पुरोहित को जब सितंबर 2008 के मालेगांव बम विस्फोट के सिलसिले में गिरफ्तार किया गया तो सभी अखबारों की सुर्खियां जैसे चीख-चीख कर बता रही थीं—“यह हिंदू आतंकवाद है।” यह शख्स आखिर कौन था, सभी अखबारों के पहले पन्ने पर उसकी तस्वीरें क्यों छाप दी गई थीं? उसे ही निशाना क्यों बनाया गया? क्या वह सचमुच दोषी था? क्या उसे फंसाया गया था? क्या उसे बलि का बकरा बनाया गया था? विचाराधीन कैदी के तौर पर नौ वर्षों तक जेल की कोठरी में पड़े रहने पर मजबूर सेना के इस प्रतिष्ठित अधिकारी के परिवार का क्या हुआ और उसे किन-किन मुसीबतों का सामना करना पड़ा? इस पुस्तक में इन सभी सवालों का जवाब देने का प्रयास किया गया है और इस कोशिश में एक ऐसी साजिश का पता चलता है जिसे जानकर इंसान की रूह भी कांप जाए।
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