Yoga Books
Showing all 15 results
Patanjali-Divya Prakashan, Yog Ayurvedic books, Yoga and Pranayam, ध्यान, योग व तंत्र, बाल साहित्य
Aao Seekhe Yog Class 5 (Marathi)
Patanjali-Divya Prakashan, Yog Ayurvedic books, Yoga and Pranayam, ध्यान, योग व तंत्र, बाल साहित्यAao Seekhe Yog Class 5 (Marathi)
It is a textbook based on yogic education for students of Class 5. Yogic knowledge presented here is as per the physical and mental level of students in this age-group. Its purpose is to familiarise children to various yogic practices with the development of the ability to control mental impulses such as anger and jealousy. This in turn will enable them to gracefully subsist duties towards their own self, family, society and nation and grow up to become a moral and responsible human being. This series of book is available in multiple regional languages.
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Patanjali-Divya Prakashan, संतों का जीवन चरित व वाणियां
Grihastha Yog Sadhak Ke Gun
This book is about the 34 characterstics needed for family man to become grihastha yog sadhak. In this book Acharya Balkrishna listed 36 features of a grihastha yog sadhak that are beneficial in the path of attaining yog sadhna. It is based on yogshashtra written by Acharya Hemchandra and presented in simple language.
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Patanjali-Divya Prakashan, Yog Ayurvedic books, अन्य कथेतर साहित्य
Research Publications
Patanjali Yogpeeth has given birth to a revolution by predicating scope of Yoga and Ayurveda on scientific ground. Interest of people for yoga and Ayurveda for the health benefits and treating diseases is increasing, this makes it necessary to know the utility of conventional methods and mention all findings scientifically along with standard research methods. Research publications is the collection of all research works done by Patanjali Research Institute on Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama and Ayurveda, from September 2007 to June 2015. This book is the perfect combination of traditional Indian wisdom and contemporary scientific methods.
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Patanjali-Divya Prakashan, Yog Ayurvedic books, Yoga and Pranayam, ध्यान, योग व तंत्र, बाल साहित्य
Yog Aur Bachpan
Patanjali-Divya Prakashan, Yog Ayurvedic books, Yoga and Pranayam, ध्यान, योग व तंत्र, बाल साहित्यYog Aur Bachpan
This is one of the unique creations of Acharya Balkishna ji which is published after the insistence of teachers, students and guardians of children of each age group from India and abroad. This book is published with beautiful and attractive pictures for children to create interest for yoga and includes the easy steps of yoga asana, pranayama, suryanamaskar and yogic jogging.
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Patanjali-Divya Prakashan, Yog Ayurvedic books, Yoga and Pranayam, अन्य कथेतर साहित्य
Yog darshan (Hindi)
Patanjali-Divya Prakashan, Yog Ayurvedic books, Yoga and Pranayam, अन्य कथेतर साहित्यYog darshan (Hindi)
This book describes the yoga philosophy by Maharisi Patanjali in simple language. According to Maharisi Patanjali, looking at an idol or statue is not meditation. Attainment of God means the absolute ending of miseries. Yoga darsana includes the detailed description about astanga yoga (eight limbs of yoga) which comprises of yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, asana, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. The brief interpretation of yoga-sutras will dispel the doubts and delusions of a myriad sadhakas and illuminate the path of their spiritual life.
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Patanjali-Divya Prakashan, Yog Ayurvedic books, Yoga and Pranayam, अन्य कथेतर साहित्य
Yog Sadhna Avam Yog Chikitsa Rahasya (Hindi)
Patanjali-Divya Prakashan, Yog Ayurvedic books, Yoga and Pranayam, अन्य कथेतर साहित्यYog Sadhna Avam Yog Chikitsa Rahasya (Hindi)
Astang Yoga, written by Maharshi Patanjali is beautifully interpreted in this book. It describes the concept of conscience purification and ways of Yogic treatment of diabetes, obesity, gastritis, constipation, hyperacidity, abdominal diseases, backache, migraine and other complicated diseases. This book includes the rules useful for the Asana and different types of mudras. It also educates people about ancient Indian acupressure technique, its principle and effects on human body. This book enlightens about ancient Indian acupressure techniques and treatment of major diseases with this science.
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Hindi Books, Prabhat Prakashan, Yoga and Pranayam
Yogasan Aur Pranayam- Swami Akshya Atmanand (HB)
-15%Hindi Books, Prabhat Prakashan, Yoga and PranayamYogasan Aur Pranayam- Swami Akshya Atmanand (HB)
इस पुस्तक को सभी प्रकार के लोग पढ़ेंगे । योगासन से सम्बन्धित यह पुस्तक न तो पहली है और न अद्भुत; परन्तु यह पुस्तक परम्पराओं से हटकर अवश्य है । पाठकों को यह इसलिए भी रुचिकर लगेगी, क्योंकि वे इस पुस्तक के माध्यम से बिना किसी गुरु के ही ‘ योगासन ‘ और ‘ प्राणायाम ‘ सीख सकेंगे । अन्य उपलब्ध पुस्तकों से कुछ अधिक जानकारी, अधिक सहजता और अधिक सावधानियां इस पुस्तक में दी जा रही है । सरलतम और अत्यावश्यक योगासन ही इसमें दिये जा रहे हैं ।
अधिक विस्तृत जानकारियां सभी स्तर के पाठकों को ध्यान में रखकर ही दी जा रही हैं, जिससे आपको कम-से-कम परेशानी हो और आप अधिक-से- अधिक लाभ प्राप्त कर सकें; चिकित्सक और रोगी इन जानकारियों का लाभ ले सकें ।
– इसी पुस्तक से
अति सरल भाषा, विशिष्ट शैली, गम्भीरतम वैज्ञानिक विश्लेषण और सुबोध व्याख्या स्वामी अक्षय आत्मानन्दजी की पुस्तकों की ऐसी विशेषता है कि पाठक उनकी योग सम्बन्धी पुस्तकों की बार-बार मांग करते हैं । आप भी एक बार यदि किसी एक ग्रन्थ को पढ़ लेंगे तो सदैव स्वामी जी का साहित्य ही मांगेंगे । हमें विश्वास है कि इस पुस्तक को पढ़ने के बाद आप भी योग विद्या में स्वयं काा प्रवीण कर सकेंगे।SKU: n/a -
English Books, Parimal Publications, Yog Ayurvedic books
Yogasutras of Patanjali
The yogasutra of Patanjali is an original work , as accepted by scholars and a matchless masterpiece with very profound meaning. These sutras on which the Indian Yoga Philosophy is’ based were written by Patanjali and also served to develop Samkhya Philosophy. There are commentaries on these sutras, one Yoga-Vairtika by Rajanfartanda by Rama Ramga Malla.
The present book incorporates the yogasutra of Patanijali with Bhojavrtti called Rajamartanda bcing an English version. The book is divided into four padas-samadhipada, Thanapada, vibhatipcida and kaivalyapada. In the first padp the nature of Yoga with its divisions, aim, mind and its actions have been delineated. The second pada describes the advices of meditation, its cause and practices. There are means of the accomplishment produced from the practice of Yoga as is explained in the’ third pada. In the last pada mention has been made of nirmanacitta for five types of accomplishment. The present attempt is ; made even more useful as it contains a comprehensive introduction by Prof. Asoke Chatterjee, an appendix and an index.
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