Sudha Shrimali
Education : B.Sc., M.A. (Clinical Psychology), Post Graduation Diploma (Mass Communication), Specialised Course in Finance.
Achievements : Freelance reporter and writer of articles and scripts on Economics and Finance for Navbharat Times, Mumbai for the last 10 years. Several topics on which she has written articles are—Share Market, Mutual Funds, Insurance, Personal Investment, Economic Development etc. She has also conducted interviews of many high and medium profile Industrialists.
Presently working with Navbharat Times, Mumbai at a senior position.
There are numerous books available in the market on the subject of the share market, however, in this book, the author has attempted to elucidate the complicated aspects of the financial domain in a clear and simple language. The modus operandi of share market, commodity market, mutual funds, and idiomatic language used in the market have all been explained with illustrations. She presents her suggestions for the selection of a good broker. Explanations on the factors impacting the market references to historical crashes of the market, asset allocation, and discussions on popular methods of investment for the benefit of readers are the special features of the book. This book would work as a great guide not only for beginner investors but also for students of degree courses, academic certifications, and professionals.
Rs.239.00 Rs.300.00
Weight | 0.350 kg |
Dimensions | 8.7 × 5.5 × 1.5 in |
Author Sudha Shrimali
ISBN 9788184306385
Language English
Publisher Prabhat Prakashan
Edition 1
Publication Year 2021
Number of pages 172
Binding Style Soft Cover
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