Patanjali-Divya Prakashan
Bhojankutuhalam (English)
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Pandit Raghunath Suri wrote this granth in 17th century, which is a collection of all the information related to food. This can be considered as the encyclopedia for attaining the knowledge related to benefits of food. Further, it also includes the recipes of different variety of food items for healthy lifestyle. It comprises interesting and ancient ways of eating food. Moreover, Bhojankutuhalam is a perfect blend of cookery and Ayurveda which is very helpful for common men. This is the first attempt to publish this kind of ancient manuscript.
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Weight | 1.100 kg |
Dimensions | 9 × 6 × 2.1 in |
Publisher- Patanjali-Divya Prakashan
Lang. –English
Pages –575
Binding – PB
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