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History of Hindumisia & Hindu Genocides


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The history of medieval India is the history of Hindu genocides. Voltaire regarded Hindus as ‘a peaceful and innocent people, equally incapable of hurting others or of defending themselves’. At the dawn of the 8th century, these innocent and peaceful Hindus experienced for the first time a peculiar warfare, which was so total, brutal and pervasive that their dharmik code of ethics could not possibly comprehend what the foreign invaders conceived as permitted and forbidden in a war.

Essentially it was a religious war from the perspective of the Abrahamic communities who used the ‘Us and Them’ otherisation doctrine to commit the genocide of millions of Hindus for at least a thousand years, destroy Hindu institutions and culture to establish their religious and cultural dominance in the sub-continent, and then launch a campaign of history-writing with ‘alternative truths’ to whitewash this genocide.

The first step to reverse a genocide is the detection of the genocide. This book analyses Indian history through a careful investigation of primary historical records, without the imposition of any agenda or political colour, to reach the conclusion that a relentless effort was perpetrated by Abrahamics to capture the socio-political structures of medieval India, and completely wipe the Hindus out of existence. The author further identifies the elements of Hindu genocides that continue to be active in this subcontinent.


“This book is an important purvapaksha to discuss, understand, and reverse the ongoing assault on India’s native civilization.”

—Subhash Kak, Padma Shri, Author of The Idea of India, Eternal Bharat and other books.

“It will go a long way in creating popular consciousness about the historicity of Hindu genocides.”

—Dr. Chandni Sengupta, Noted Historian, Academician & Author of Hindu Heroes of Medieval Bhārat: Resistance and Valour and other books.

“This book will help Hindus understand the nature of religious violence that they see on the streets of Bharat and globally, and open their eyes to the oncoming clash of civilisations…”

—Dr Ratan Sharda, Author, TV Panelist & Freelance Columnist

Rs.594.00 Rs.699.00

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ISBN 9798885751889
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Publishing Year 2024
Publishers Garuda Prakashan

Weight 0.650 kg
Dimensions 8.7 × 5.5 × 1.5 in

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