AUTHOR : Purushottam
ISBN : 9789381500859
Language : HINDI
Publisher: Suruchi Prakashan
Binding : PB
Pages : 32
WEIGHT : 0.80Kg
Islamization of India by The Sufis
AUTHOR : Purushottam
Weight | 0.80 kg |
Dimensions | 8.7 × 5.57 × 1.57 in |
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—Excerpts from this bookThis classic and unique book, Hindu Rashtra Darshan by Swatantrayaveer Savarkar, gives the true meaning and correct picture of the Hindu Rashtra, wherein everyone living on the land this side of Indus river is a Hindu by culture, by values and not by the religion in its narrow definition. The book is divided in three major parts—First part is Hindu Pad-Padshahi, Second is Hindu Rashtra Darshan and third part is Essentials of Hindutva. It is a must read book for all Bharatiyas.
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