Patanjali-Divya Prakashan
Man Ke Manke
Man ke Manke is the unique creation of Acharya Balkrishna ji. This book is a collection of 187 poems written by Acharya ji. These poems cover almost all aspects of life including body, mind, peace, spirituality etc. This beautiful creation is bliss for the readers who have interest in poetry as it is written in simple and interesting way to motivate people.
Weight | .110 kg |
Dimensions | 7.87 × 5.51 × 1.57 in |
Publisher- Patanjali-Divya Prakashan
Lang. – Hindi
Pages –100
Binding – PB
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0 out of 5(0)Veer Savarkar was the first man who called the mutiny of 1857 ‘A War of Independence’. Until his time, no Indian had dared to say so. The martyrs of 1857 are really fortunate that they got such a historian to tell their history who himself was both a historian and a creator of history. At times, we visualise Veer Savarkar coloured in the red colour of that revolution, as if he himself was present on the battlefield and participated in the heroic war. At other times, we see him patiently analyse the strengths and weaknesses of both sides—why the mutineers lost and why the British won. The way he analyses the politico-military aspects of the revolution shows his wisdom as a youth of 26 years.
The Indian War of Independence, 1857, is a step by step account of the uprising of Indian Hindus and Muslims against the ruthless British rulers. Tracing footsteps of the barefooted, undernourished and almost unarmed Indian masses challenging the British bullets by the sheer force of their will power, the author establishes beyond an iota of doubt that the uprising was a War of Independence and not a mere Sepoy Mutiny as dubbed by the British.
Some glaring truths about this book:
• This book became the Bible for Indian revolutionaries.
• The book was proscribed by the British Government before its publication.
• The book was smuggled into India and England after it was published in Holland.
• The demand for this book was so enormous that it used to be sold and resold at the stupendous price of Rs. 300 (in 1910).SKU: n/a -
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1857 Ka Swatantraya Samar
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0 out of 5(0)Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
वीर सावरकर रचित ‘1857 का स्वातंत्र्य समर’ विश्व की पहली इतिहास पुस्तक है, जिसे प्रकाशन के पूर्व ही प्रतिबंधित होने का गौरव प्राप्त हुआ। इस पुस्तक को ही यह गौरव प्राप्त है कि सन् 1909 में इसके प्रथम गुप्त संस्करण के प्रकाशन से 1947 में इसके प्रथम खुले प्रकाशन तक के अड़तीस वर्ष लंबे कालखंड में इसके कितने ही गुप्त संस्करण अनेक भाषाओं में छपकर देश-विदेश में वितरित होते रहे। इस पुस्तक को छिपाकर भारत में लाना एक साहसपूर्ण क्रांति-कर्म बन गया। यह देशभक्त क्रांतिकारियों की ‘गीता’ बन गई। इसकी अलभ्य प्रति को कहीं से खोज पाना सौभाग्य माना जाता था। इसकी एक-एक प्रति गुप्त रूप से एक हाथ से दूसरे हाथ होती हुई अनेक अंत:करणों में क्रांति की ज्वाला सुलगा जाती थी।
पुस्तक के लेखन से पूर्व सावरकर के मन में अनेक प्रश्न थे—सन् 1857 का यथार्थ क्या है? क्या वह मात्र एक आकस्मिक सिपाही विद्रोह था? क्या उसके नेता अपने तुच्छ स्वार्थों की रक्षा के लिए अलग-अलग इस विद्रोह में कूद पड़े थे, या वे किसी बड़े लक्ष्य की प्राप्ति के लिए एक सुनियोजित प्रयास था? यदि हाँ, तो उस योजना में किस-किसका मस्तिष्क कार्य कर रहा था? योजना का स्वरूप क्या था? क्या सन् 1857 एक बीता हुआ बंद अध्याय है या भविष्य के लिए प्रेरणादायी जीवंत यात्रा? भारत की भावी पीढ़ियों के लिए 1857 का संदेश क्या है? आदि-आदि। और उन्हीं ज्वलंत प्रश्नों की परिणति है प्रस्तुत ग्रंथ—‘1857 का स्वातंत्र्य समर’! इसमें तत्कालीन संपूर्ण भारत की सामाजिक व राजनीतिक स्थिति के वर्णन के साथ ही हाहाकार मचा देनेवाले रण-तांडव का भी सिलसिलेवार, हृदय-द्रावक व सप्रमाण वर्णन है। प्रत्येक भारतीय हेतु पठनीय व संग्रहणीय, अलभ्य कृति!SKU: n/a -
Prabhat Prakashan, Suggested Books, इतिहास
Hindu Rashtra Darshan(PB)
0 out of 5(0)A Hindu, to sum up the conclusions arrived at, is he who looks upon the land that extends from Sindhu to Sindhu, from the Indus to the seas, as the land of his forefathers, his pitrabhu, who inherited the blood of that race whose first discernible source is traced to the Vedic Saptasindhus, which, on its onward march, assimilated much that was incorporated and ennobling. The Hindus, who inherited and claimed as their own the culture of that race, as expressed chiefly in their common classic language, Sanskrit, and represented by a common history, a common literature, art and architecture, law and jurisprudence, rites and rituals, ceremonies and sacraments, fairs and festivals, and who, above all, address this land, this Sindhustan, as their punyabhu, as the holy land, the land of their saints and seers, of godmen and gurus, the land of piety and pilgrimage. These are the essentials of Hindutva – a common rashtra, a common jaati, and a common sanskriti. All these essentials could best be summed up by stating in brief that they are Hindu to whom Sindhustan is not only a pitrabhu but also a punyabhu.
—Excerpts from this bookThis classic and unique book, Hindu Rashtra Darshan by Swatantrayaveer Savarkar, gives the true meaning and correct picture of the Hindu Rashtra, wherein everyone living on the land this side of Indus river is a Hindu by culture, by values and not by the religion in its narrow definition. The book is divided in three major parts—First part is Hindu Pad-Padshahi, Second is Hindu Rashtra Darshan and third part is Essentials of Hindutva. It is a must read book for all Bharatiyas.
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