Patanjali-Divya Prakashan
Man Ke Manke
Man ke Manke is the unique creation of Acharya Balkrishna ji. This book is a collection of 187 poems written by Acharya ji. These poems cover almost all aspects of life including body, mind, peace, spirituality etc. This beautiful creation is bliss for the readers who have interest in poetry as it is written in simple and interesting way to motivate people.
Weight | .110 kg |
Dimensions | 7.87 × 5.51 × 1.57 in |
Publisher- Patanjali-Divya Prakashan
Lang. – Hindi
Pages –100
Binding – PB
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0 out of 5(0)The story is told. The curtain has been brought down on it. Two life-sentences have been run. And I have brought together my recollections of them within the cover of this book. They are narrated in brief and put together within the narrowest.
When I came into this world, God sent me here possibly on a sort of life-sentence. It was the span of life allotted to me by time to stay in this ‘prison-house of life’. This story is but a chapter of that book of life, which is a longer story not yet ended.
You can finish reading the book in a day, while I had to live it for 14 long years of transportation. And if the story is so tiresome, unendurable and disgusting to you, how much must have been the living of it for me! Every moment of those 14 years in that jail has been an agony of the soul and the body to me, and to my fellow convicts in that jail. It was not only fatiguing, unbearable and futile to us all, it was equally or more excruciating to them as to me. And it is only that you may know it and feel the fatigue, the disgust and the pain of it as we have felt it, that I have chosen to write it for you.
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