Garuda Prakashan, On Sale, इतिहास, ऐतिहासिक उपन्यास, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र
Sardar Patel: The Supreme Architrect In Unification of India (Volume 2)
-27%Garuda Prakashan, On Sale, इतिहास, ऐतिहासिक उपन्यास, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्रSardar Patel: The Supreme Architrect In Unification of India (Volume 2)
How many of us really know how the issues related to North-Eastern states were handled? Or, for that matter, what was Privy Purse for the princely states? Why Sardar was worried that they were attempts not to grant them Constitutional status (Indira Gandhi got it abolished in the early 1970s)? Further, this book sheds special light on how the Hyderabad episode was handled. Coming from a former Judge, also the author of “Nehru’s Himalayan Blunders”, the book provides to-the-point arguments based on official documents, a large number of which have been quoted verbatim. For those who wanted to know anything about the humongous effort of Sardar in unifying India, be it a student or a researcher or just anyone wanting to more about one’s own country, this book is a real eye-opener. We all know that India has existed thousands and thousands of years before 1947. But, had Sardar been the king of yesteryears, he could well have been known as the ‘chakravartin’, who brought entire India under one umbrella – that is the Indian union. Read this book know how he achieved that feat – democratically.
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Prabhat Prakashan, इतिहास, जीवनी/आत्मकथा/संस्मरण
Lauhpurush Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
लौह पुरुष सरदार वल्लभभाई पटेल का जन्म नडियाद, गुजरात में हुआ। उनकी शिक्षा मुख्यतः स्वाध्याय से ही हुई। लंदन जाकर उन्होंने बैरिस्टर की पढ़ाई पूरी की और वापस आकर गुजरात के अहमदाबाद में वकालत करने लगे। महात्मा गांधी के विचारों से प्रेरित होकर वे भारत के स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन से पूरी तरह जुड़ गए। स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन में सरदार पटेल का सबसे पहला और बड़ा योगदान खेड़ा आंदोलन में रहा। बारदोली में सशक्त सत्याग्रह करने के लिए ही उन्हें ‘सरदार’ कहा जाने लगा। सरदार पटेल को 1937 तक दो बार कांग्रेस का सभापति बनने का गौरव प्राप्त हुआ। आजादी के बाद भारत के राजनीतिक एकीकरण में उनके महान् योगदान के लिए इतिहास उन्हें सदैव स्मरण रखेगा। अपनी दृढ़ता के कारण वे ‘लौह पुरुष’ कहलाए। सरदार पटेल स्वतंत्र भारत के उप-प्रधानमंत्री होने के साथ प्रथम गृह, सूचना तथा रियासत विभाग के मंत्री भी थे। उनकी महानतम देन है 562 छोटी-बड़ी रियासतों का भारतीय संघ में विलय करना। वे नवीन भारत के निर्माता, राष्ट्रीय एकता के बेजोड़ शिल्पी और भारतीय जनमानस अर्थात् किसान की आत्मा थे। अपने रणनीतिक कौशल, राजनीतिक दक्षता और अदम्य इच्छा-शक्ति के बल पर भारत को एक नई पहचान देनेवाले समर्पित इतिहास-पुरुष की प्रेरणाप्रद जीवनी।.
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Garuda Prakashan, Literature & Fiction, On Sale, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्र
Sardar Patel: The Supreme Architrect In Unification of India (Volume 1)
-27%Garuda Prakashan, Literature & Fiction, On Sale, राजनीति, पत्रकारिता और समाजशास्त्रSardar Patel: The Supreme Architrect In Unification of India (Volume 1)
India’s independence from the British on August 15, 1947, was preceded by its partition on religious lines having a murky history of dangerous antics and shenanigans of the likes of Muslim League, Jinnah and others; supported, either by accident or design, by Congress and its leadership. That Nehru failed miserably to control the situation, in which there was bloodshed, communal hatred, brutalization of women and loss of India’s territory, is a well-known story. The question is what would have been the status of India’s political borders had, say, Nehru been in charge of ‘unifying’ India – that is bringing together more than 500 princely states within the Indian union? We could well have been left to wishful thinking – “Had Sardar been the in-charge of the department handling unification of princely states within the Indian union”. This book, a well-researched document, takes the reader step-by-step on how Sardar went after the task; and how diligently he completed them. Of course, the story of Hyderabad and Junagarh is slightly more well-known. But do you know how Chhattisgarh and Orissa (now Odisha), or even Lunavada (in Gujarat), Deccan States and so many others were included in the Indian union? Do we today ever realise that these states were ‘not part of independent India’? That is why we say it is not only a book for history enthusiasts but all students, who ought to know the real political map of our country when it became independent.
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Sardar Patel: The Supreme Architrect In Unification of India (Volume 2)
How many of us really know how the issues related to North-Eastern states were handled? Or, for that matter, what was Privy Purse for the princely states? Why Sardar was worried that they were attempts not to grant them Constitutional status (Indira Gandhi got it abolished in the early 1970s)? Further, this book sheds special light on how the Hyderabad episode was handled. Coming from a former Judge, also the author of “Nehru’s Himalayan Blunders”, the book provides to-the-point arguments based on official documents, a large number of which have been quoted verbatim. For those who wanted to know anything about the humongous effort of Sardar in unifying India, be it a student or a researcher or just anyone wanting to more about one’s own country, this book is a real eye-opener. We all know that India has existed thousands and thousands of years before 1947. But, had Sardar been the king of yesteryears, he could well have been known as the ‘chakravartin’, who brought entire India under one umbrella – that is the Indian union. Read this book know how he achieved that feat – democratically.
Rs.439.00 Rs.599.00
Author – Justice S N Aggarwal
ISBN – 9781942426370
Language – English
Binding- Paperback
Pages – 453
Weight | .480 kg |
Dimensions | 8.7 × 5.51 × 1.57 in |
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